It's been a minute since I've been on the site. Life has been a whirlwind of bullshit.
Maybe I'll try to stick around more often?
I constantly am infrequently updating this blog. Did that make sense? Maybe that's partially why I don't.
Anyways, life still goes on. Ups and downs, strikes and gutters. Mostly good. But I personally have let myself go down in a dark place. Felt like it was necessary to cry a bit and let myself be sad. Than it was done.
I'm currently now only 34...
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I will be joining my friend on her twitch channel tonight for some Tomb Raider! We'll also be doing a drinking game! If you like to watch find her twitch, morcourtney!
I've never done anything like this so it'll be weird. But fun. It'll be around 10pm EST!
Let's have some fun! And let me know if your from SG!
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