Guess that "actually updating my journal" thing isn't working out.

Went to a concert tonight. David Usher, Sloan, Finger Eleven. Old school. It pretty much rocked out. We didn't have "VIP" tickets so we were stuck in the stands, but there was a minor riot when a bunch of us decided to jump the barrier to go into the pit. Yeehaw.

Christ, though, people. I...
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Uhm, hey.

Sorry for leaving all of you, my adoring fans.

I've starting hanging out around SG again, so I'll post a real journal update soon.

For now, peace out. And, Otsu, thanks for the birthday greeting. It made my day. smile
Zzz... wha?

Finally a saw doctor. Hopefully insomnia will be fixed in a few days. Let's hear it for modern medicine -- national medicare actually sucks less when you get to use it. I have to be pretty much in the edge of death before I'll seek professional help for any sort of medical problem, but this qualified.

Still, other than spending most of the...
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boy do i understand insomnia. love the south park to satan. nice. hope u sleep soon. if not know someone else is starin at the screen just like you.

have you seen the Machinist? if no...watch it!
"When you have insomnia, nothing seems real. Everything is a copy, of a copy, of a copy..."

I knew there was a reason Fight Club was one of my favourite movies. It's so relevant to my life. Sometimes pain can make you feel alive. Sometimes you just have to let it all go.

Saturday was fun anyway, bouncing around downtown Toronto with some friends. Saw...
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Thanx biggrin

Canada rules!
Uploaded a picture for the hungry masses. It's the best quality one can achieve by going outside and pointing a camera at themselves. Decided I didn't like any of the ones I already had. Besides, it was another great excuse to go outside.

And, clearly, I need the sun.
Vilken vacker dag!

That would be Swedish for "What a beautiful day!", or something along those lines. My attempts at learning Swedish are going... slowly. At the very least, I think I'll be able to to survive now if I suddenly woke up in the Swedish backcountry where nobody spoke English.

Hmm, and if I was lucky, a nice Swedish girl would come to my...
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What a day...

First I went and took the CCSA (Checkpoint Certified Security Administrator) exam, and passed, scoring myself a whole ton of Geek Points, and hopefully a better chance at scoring a sweet job.

Next, rocking out, as always. I'm currently completely addicted to "A Place Called Home" by PJ Harvey. Anyone have any advice for other good PJ Harvey songs? It's the only...
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