earth: the world's most dangerous planet.
i am getting ready to go file my taxes as i type this, tentatively waiting for the phone to ring as i habitually chainsmoke and apply heavy black eye makeup and red liner in order to make my tired, sleepless eyes appear as though i was going for that look.
i finished re-reading 'homecoming' by cynthia voigt. i read it a long, long time ago while staying with my gramma for the summer. she always has good books. i slipped homecoming into my backpack before i left that summer.
the last time i read that book, i think i cried myself to sleep, and i probably would have when i finished it this time, if i had any more tears, which sounds sappy and emo and silly, but honestly.
my dad is starting electro-shock therapy in a few days. i am more afraid than i could possibly express through words, and i want to be with my family more than ever. i want to hold my moms hand and make sure my little brother is dealling with things.
i have become increasingly unimpressed with the internet as of late... remember that commercial, where the guy gets dsl and then reaches the end of the internet? that's me, i think, but in more of a metaphorical sense, or something.
i met a nice boy through the internet though, and he lives here, and i want to talk to him always. even though the internet is evil.
i'm off to see the feds, my friends.
i am getting ready to go file my taxes as i type this, tentatively waiting for the phone to ring as i habitually chainsmoke and apply heavy black eye makeup and red liner in order to make my tired, sleepless eyes appear as though i was going for that look.
i finished re-reading 'homecoming' by cynthia voigt. i read it a long, long time ago while staying with my gramma for the summer. she always has good books. i slipped homecoming into my backpack before i left that summer.
the last time i read that book, i think i cried myself to sleep, and i probably would have when i finished it this time, if i had any more tears, which sounds sappy and emo and silly, but honestly.
my dad is starting electro-shock therapy in a few days. i am more afraid than i could possibly express through words, and i want to be with my family more than ever. i want to hold my moms hand and make sure my little brother is dealling with things.
i have become increasingly unimpressed with the internet as of late... remember that commercial, where the guy gets dsl and then reaches the end of the internet? that's me, i think, but in more of a metaphorical sense, or something.
i met a nice boy through the internet though, and he lives here, and i want to talk to him always. even though the internet is evil.
i'm off to see the feds, my friends.