to elaborate on my eye injury last tues. i went to the museum of tolerance ( also called the holocaust museum. it was defenitely one of the most graphic, poerful, & intense afternoons of my entire life. an entire museum of mans inhumanity to man is alot to take in one day, especially when i was not prepared for how incredibley graphic the footage & the exhibits would be. so i was coming through the part where your guide walks yoiu through exact replicas of parts of auschwitz. they lead you through the gates, have you select
& walk down a tunnel labeled 'ale bodied' or 'exterminate', (both tunnels lead to the same place) which leads you to a replica of the auschwitz gas chambers. it was upsetting, to say the least. so i got all choked up & was near tears, which gave me a little eyeliner glob thingy in the corner of my eye. i tried to get it out w/ the tip of my finger, & ended up scratching the surfaceing of my eye (all the way across) with the corner of my fingernail. it puffed up, turned yellow, and left me damn near blind for a couple days. silly yes, but it really fucking sucked! but i'm all better & can devote houres and hours staring at my computer screen again.
& walk down a tunnel labeled 'ale bodied' or 'exterminate', (both tunnels lead to the same place) which leads you to a replica of the auschwitz gas chambers. it was upsetting, to say the least. so i got all choked up & was near tears, which gave me a little eyeliner glob thingy in the corner of my eye. i tried to get it out w/ the tip of my finger, & ended up scratching the surfaceing of my eye (all the way across) with the corner of my fingernail. it puffed up, turned yellow, and left me damn near blind for a couple days. silly yes, but it really fucking sucked! but i'm all better & can devote houres and hours staring at my computer screen again.

Where oh where could she go?
Actually, now that I think about it, the possibilities are just endless, aren't they? It's a big world out there!
Ive been to that museum years back and for me it effect they way Ive navigated life collectively.
Glad youre all eyes!