when i stumbeled upon this site in search of porn, i had no idea that it would change from being just a website into something more, something that would actually effect me and my every day life.
the comfort i get from sg is a very strange thing to try and explain. people i don't know and have never met start to feel like friends, and are sometimes so much easier to talk to about pretty personal shit. when i see the posts full of support, advice, a silly shit that makes me smile listed under one of my journal enteries, it makes a bad day better. i'm reminded that there's still some faith to be had in the kindness of strangers. knowing people are interested, istening to what i have to say, and are willing to give support, comfort, or nothing but simple friendship, is the coolest fucking feeling.
but blah, blah, blah. i'm started to ramble again, so what i guess i'm trying to say is thank you to everyone who has been looking in on my scribbelings, and taking the time to send their comments my way. for a minute there, seeing how people have come to treat each other had me thinking that selfish, cold people were all that was left out in the world....
but tonight i'm turning my computer off feeling a little less jaded.
the comfort i get from sg is a very strange thing to try and explain. people i don't know and have never met start to feel like friends, and are sometimes so much easier to talk to about pretty personal shit. when i see the posts full of support, advice, a silly shit that makes me smile listed under one of my journal enteries, it makes a bad day better. i'm reminded that there's still some faith to be had in the kindness of strangers. knowing people are interested, istening to what i have to say, and are willing to give support, comfort, or nothing but simple friendship, is the coolest fucking feeling.
but blah, blah, blah. i'm started to ramble again, so what i guess i'm trying to say is thank you to everyone who has been looking in on my scribbelings, and taking the time to send their comments my way. for a minute there, seeing how people have come to treat each other had me thinking that selfish, cold people were all that was left out in the world....
but tonight i'm turning my computer off feeling a little less jaded.

glad we could try to help.
merf*huge huggles8 i always like reading what you ahve to say...and yes itis odd how complete strangers you ahve never met become good friends...*hugs*..sleep tight monkey