Yesterday I attended the last law school class. Not the last one of the semester or school year. It was the last one ever. I have 2 finals, 1 25 page paper, and some other miscellaneous work. But in 19 days i graduate. I finish 7 years of secondary-schooling, completed in almost 8 years. I receive on the 17th my Doctorite of Juris Prudence. I will officially be eligible to take the qualifying exam for bar acceptance. I am (hopefully and probably) less than 1 year from adding the letters esq. after my name.
How do I feel? I don't know. I feel accomplished, even though I could have done more w/ the education. I'm uncertain, because idk if I will pass the bar, and i'm still currently unemployed. I'm relieved, because I honestly doubted if I would get this far. Mostly I'm proud, proud of the years of hard work and dedication this degree will represent; proud of the look in my parents' eyes when they brag to their friends about their lawyer son; proud that I achieved this when so many thought I would fail or give up; proud that I am the first lawyer in my family; proud that I followed the rules and didn't cheat to succeed; proud of my GPA (assuming I don't blow that in the next 2 weeks); proud that I get to help clients.
My life still is surrounded by so much uncertainty. But you know, the dude abides.
How do I feel? I don't know. I feel accomplished, even though I could have done more w/ the education. I'm uncertain, because idk if I will pass the bar, and i'm still currently unemployed. I'm relieved, because I honestly doubted if I would get this far. Mostly I'm proud, proud of the years of hard work and dedication this degree will represent; proud of the look in my parents' eyes when they brag to their friends about their lawyer son; proud that I achieved this when so many thought I would fail or give up; proud that I am the first lawyer in my family; proud that I followed the rules and didn't cheat to succeed; proud of my GPA (assuming I don't blow that in the next 2 weeks); proud that I get to help clients.
My life still is surrounded by so much uncertainty. But you know, the dude abides.