so, i've lost hope for this to happen. i still want it to, but i wouldn't bet on it.
here's how it went down:
i got to conversing with knitzy, we talked about ink, piercings. it was nice. then as the convo teetered off, i pulled out the "so i thought i recognized u last time i was in here. are you knitzy?"
she blushed.
the conversation picked right back up! we kept on talking right until the artist was ready to start my tattoo. it was great. then it was my turn to blush.
she asked my SG user and i told her, without thinking. so she checks my profile and sees my post about her!
luckily she found it flattering and cute. SHE GAVE ME HER NUMBER!
idk what has happened since. but it hasn't been good. i think my cuteness wore off or something.
we chatted that day on AIM, nothing to big. I also txted her so she would have my number. That was thursday the 12th. the next saturday we chatted a little on AIM.
Sunday we chatted again, but then she just logged off. No goodbye, no ttyl, no c'ya. nothing. she had stopped responding to my msgs, so maybe she lost her connection or her lappy died. same thing happened later this week. i've called her a few times, i've txted her a few times. no response.
and when i say a few, i mean a few. i'm not calling this girl more than once a day, and i'm not calling everyday. i don't want to fuck this up, and i know calling to much can do that! but so can not calling enough!
damnit!! i think to much about this shit!! i still want to get that date w/ her!
here's how it went down:
i got to conversing with knitzy, we talked about ink, piercings. it was nice. then as the convo teetered off, i pulled out the "so i thought i recognized u last time i was in here. are you knitzy?"
she blushed.
the conversation picked right back up! we kept on talking right until the artist was ready to start my tattoo. it was great. then it was my turn to blush.
she asked my SG user and i told her, without thinking. so she checks my profile and sees my post about her!

idk what has happened since. but it hasn't been good. i think my cuteness wore off or something.
we chatted that day on AIM, nothing to big. I also txted her so she would have my number. That was thursday the 12th. the next saturday we chatted a little on AIM.
Sunday we chatted again, but then she just logged off. No goodbye, no ttyl, no c'ya. nothing. she had stopped responding to my msgs, so maybe she lost her connection or her lappy died. same thing happened later this week. i've called her a few times, i've txted her a few times. no response.
and when i say a few, i mean a few. i'm not calling this girl more than once a day, and i'm not calling everyday. i don't want to fuck this up, and i know calling to much can do that! but so can not calling enough!
damnit!! i think to much about this shit!! i still want to get that date w/ her!