So, short and sweet.
New job started just over a month ago. Still with Cable and Wireless Worldwide. Better job, better pay, better everything. I have a laptop now too, so I can work from home. For someone that got made redundant at the end of March, Ive certainly come out the tunnel in a much better situation. Sarah is working in town now too, so while shes not 100% on the job, were both much happier than we have been.
Sarah and I started at Slimming World about 12 weeks ago. To date, Ive lost 1 stone and 13.5lbs. I feel great, much better than I did and I can see the difference. Its certainly something I enjoy. Its improved my diet and its something that will stick. I see Slimming World more as a social group more than a subscribed club, and while I understand that some folk wouldnt want to pay for it, its certainly helped me and I have no problem with paying the 4.95 a week.
With my new job etc, money is becoming less of an issue, which is nice. I have solid plans in clearing my debt and Sarah and I have certain things on the cards, such as a new TV and a weeks holiday in Amsterdam that Im very much looking forward to. Seeing as Sarah and I have been together nearly three years, and weve only ever had one or two weekends away, Im pretty certain we deserve it.
Still enjoying all my geeky shit. WoW, D&D, Magic: The Gathering. Feel likes theres loads of games and movies that have come out recently that I havent seen or see no time in being able to play. Such is life. You cant have everything.
Planning a candy/sweet swap with this muchacha mexicana, Bellica, which Im very much looking forward to.
All in all, things are good, and Im pretty happy about it, as it seemed to be pretty shitty for some time.
New job started just over a month ago. Still with Cable and Wireless Worldwide. Better job, better pay, better everything. I have a laptop now too, so I can work from home. For someone that got made redundant at the end of March, Ive certainly come out the tunnel in a much better situation. Sarah is working in town now too, so while shes not 100% on the job, were both much happier than we have been.
Sarah and I started at Slimming World about 12 weeks ago. To date, Ive lost 1 stone and 13.5lbs. I feel great, much better than I did and I can see the difference. Its certainly something I enjoy. Its improved my diet and its something that will stick. I see Slimming World more as a social group more than a subscribed club, and while I understand that some folk wouldnt want to pay for it, its certainly helped me and I have no problem with paying the 4.95 a week.
With my new job etc, money is becoming less of an issue, which is nice. I have solid plans in clearing my debt and Sarah and I have certain things on the cards, such as a new TV and a weeks holiday in Amsterdam that Im very much looking forward to. Seeing as Sarah and I have been together nearly three years, and weve only ever had one or two weekends away, Im pretty certain we deserve it.
Still enjoying all my geeky shit. WoW, D&D, Magic: The Gathering. Feel likes theres loads of games and movies that have come out recently that I havent seen or see no time in being able to play. Such is life. You cant have everything.

Planning a candy/sweet swap with this muchacha mexicana, Bellica, which Im very much looking forward to.
All in all, things are good, and Im pretty happy about it, as it seemed to be pretty shitty for some time.
aw, thanks