Some of you may have wondered where I have been recently. A lot of you probably have not.
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This is Emrakul, my lvl40 Tauren Druid.
Yeah, I started playing WoW again. I blame Lewis. Some of you may say "But Tim, you just got made redundant, how can you afford to play?". Well, you'd be right, but believe me, just under a tenner a month is nothing compared to a lot of the other stuff I enjoy doing, so it's good to be back and have something to comsume the copious amounts of time I have these days.
I've been helped out quite a lot by Lewis and my fellow Guildies, who are all pretty great. I'm very much looking forward to getting to lvl80 and being able to get the guild moving upwards in terms of raids etc.
Then there's the new expansion coming out. I'm looking forward to that.
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Scott Pilgrim. One of the best comics I've ever read. I'm totally hooked on all of the characters, the style of it, everything. Very much looking forward to the movie and the game.
3. The big one.
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This image pretty much sums up my overall attitude recently. I've gone on and on about this shit in the past, but recently, everything that really matters has been great. It's everything that doesn't that is getting me down. Money, jobs etc etc etc.
I really hope I find something soon and I'm able to get back on track.

Yes yes it is the ghostbusters building
I even got to see the fire engine when it got called out for a kitten up a tree.
Then I got drunk in a really cool bar, that was an awesome day.