The shit has hit the fan, for lack of a better phrase.
Things have happened, various nastys were said and actions were misjudged. And with arguments, bonds are always fixed afterwards.
Needless to say, Ive been talking about change enough times over the past few blogs to end up back where I was at square one.
As a result, Sarah and I have finally put a date for our "long time coming" move into a flat together. Its something, for one reason or another, that both of us have kept putting off.
Its great to have some closure and get some decisions made. This has, of course, opened the flood-gate of what feels like hundreds of things to do, organize and plan. Various am unities well need to sort out.
Its very liberating to think that this time next month, or near enough, Sarah and I will have found somewhere to call our home and actually be more self sufficient than ever before. Having extra space, instead of being confined to a bedroom will also be great. What was once my massive horde of comics, DVDs, CDs and collectables will soon seem like a small pocket full when I have more room to display and store them.
Simple things.
Not getting disturbed.
Playing Xbox while sitting on our sofa instead of hovering over my bed.
Not having to worry about things going missing or getting eaten by those who didnt buy the food to begin with.
It'll be able to get into my miniature painting again, as I've pretty much given up at the moment as it's a pain setting things up and having to conserve space.
Everything will be much better.
As discussed with my dad last night over ribs and shrimp, Im not kidding myself. Im well aware that moving out wont cure everything, but it sure as hell will make things a lot better in my opinion.
Now all I need to do if figure out if theyll let us have Sky!
I'm sitting at work, typing this up on an email, sipping Diet Coke and fiddling with a Black Lantern Corp Power Ring (Not that I follow Blackest Night, nor have I ever read a Lantern comic in my life.) that was a freebee from Forbidden Planet.
I love Thursday lunch times. It involves a nice wee walk, often with a comic loving colleague of mine (Despite her being a dirty DC lover), up to the aforementioned shop, to purchase the weekly releases that I follow. (When I say weekly, for those not into comics, they are released on the same basis as DVDs and CDs each week. Most series have issues coming out on a monthly or bi-weekly basis, but due to the amount that I, and many others follow, it tends to mean we're picking up stuff every week)
For instance, today involved Secret Warriors #6, Dark Reign: Hawkeye #4 and X-Men Forever #4 among a couple of others. So I tend to make it back in time to read a couple of issues while eating my lunch. Often darting from the left to the right of my desk as not to get food or drink on my precious cargo.
Recently, however, something has clicked. Although the amount I buy is reducing, I've felt like I could actually pause buying a few series and pick up the back issues later when I have the spare cash. Not that it isn't spare already, it's just that it could be used on bigger and ultimately better things. A lot of my spending have reduced when it comes to comics. I will soon have maybe 4-5 ongoing series which I'll keep. It sounds like a lot, but it will only accumulate to 1-2 issues a week. Good times.
Graphic novels are better value for money anyway. It's just nice to have the weekly stuff.
Who here plays Magic: The Gathering?
It's always been one of those things that I was quite into, I loved the art, being a big fan of Brom, but never collected or played. Back in high school, there was at one point, a club that maybe met twice until people (and the teacher involved) dropped out of the idea. I thought it was a shame. A mate of mine, who had thousands of cards, ended up giving me the equivalent of two decks for free, but because the club dissolved, I gave the cards back. This turns out to be something that I mildly regret. I say mildly as I'm pretty sure those cards involved White and Blue magic, which I really have no interest in.
Anyway! Fast forward to 2009, one murky Monday evening where one Timothy Stables is sitting in his room browsing the various releases on his Xbox 360 Arcade, and he's surprised to come across Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planewalkers. I gave the Trial game a shot, and I freaking loved it. It had a great tutorial, that got me playing within minutes and I'm hooked.
It turns out that quite a few of my friends have played for quite some time. Together and going to various Drafts. It's even more interesting as it seems that they pretty much all play in different colours and styles. Most of my memories involve one colour being the favourite and only those kidding themselves would collect another as if they were trying to be cool or something. So I bought the full Arcade game, and I've purchased a starter deck from the new M10 Edition (11th Edition with a "hip" name) among a few other boosters, lands and individual cards I liked. I really can't wait to get some games in. I think it'll replace that urge I've had to play Warhammer etc. As many of my friends have dropped out of that for one reason or another. I only hope that they don't also do the same with MTG. At least it's cheaper. Ha-ha!
So yeah, that's about it really.
I'm sure I will at some point be able to let you crazy folk know when I'm buggering off for a while. I can't imagine the internet will be first on our agenda when we've moved out, but it's certainly on there.
Hope all is well.
See you cats later.
Things have happened, various nastys were said and actions were misjudged. And with arguments, bonds are always fixed afterwards.
Needless to say, Ive been talking about change enough times over the past few blogs to end up back where I was at square one.
As a result, Sarah and I have finally put a date for our "long time coming" move into a flat together. Its something, for one reason or another, that both of us have kept putting off.
Its great to have some closure and get some decisions made. This has, of course, opened the flood-gate of what feels like hundreds of things to do, organize and plan. Various am unities well need to sort out.
Its very liberating to think that this time next month, or near enough, Sarah and I will have found somewhere to call our home and actually be more self sufficient than ever before. Having extra space, instead of being confined to a bedroom will also be great. What was once my massive horde of comics, DVDs, CDs and collectables will soon seem like a small pocket full when I have more room to display and store them.
Simple things.
Not getting disturbed.
Playing Xbox while sitting on our sofa instead of hovering over my bed.
Not having to worry about things going missing or getting eaten by those who didnt buy the food to begin with.
It'll be able to get into my miniature painting again, as I've pretty much given up at the moment as it's a pain setting things up and having to conserve space.
Everything will be much better.
As discussed with my dad last night over ribs and shrimp, Im not kidding myself. Im well aware that moving out wont cure everything, but it sure as hell will make things a lot better in my opinion.
Now all I need to do if figure out if theyll let us have Sky!
I'm sitting at work, typing this up on an email, sipping Diet Coke and fiddling with a Black Lantern Corp Power Ring (Not that I follow Blackest Night, nor have I ever read a Lantern comic in my life.) that was a freebee from Forbidden Planet.
I love Thursday lunch times. It involves a nice wee walk, often with a comic loving colleague of mine (Despite her being a dirty DC lover), up to the aforementioned shop, to purchase the weekly releases that I follow. (When I say weekly, for those not into comics, they are released on the same basis as DVDs and CDs each week. Most series have issues coming out on a monthly or bi-weekly basis, but due to the amount that I, and many others follow, it tends to mean we're picking up stuff every week)
For instance, today involved Secret Warriors #6, Dark Reign: Hawkeye #4 and X-Men Forever #4 among a couple of others. So I tend to make it back in time to read a couple of issues while eating my lunch. Often darting from the left to the right of my desk as not to get food or drink on my precious cargo.
Recently, however, something has clicked. Although the amount I buy is reducing, I've felt like I could actually pause buying a few series and pick up the back issues later when I have the spare cash. Not that it isn't spare already, it's just that it could be used on bigger and ultimately better things. A lot of my spending have reduced when it comes to comics. I will soon have maybe 4-5 ongoing series which I'll keep. It sounds like a lot, but it will only accumulate to 1-2 issues a week. Good times.
Graphic novels are better value for money anyway. It's just nice to have the weekly stuff.
Who here plays Magic: The Gathering?
It's always been one of those things that I was quite into, I loved the art, being a big fan of Brom, but never collected or played. Back in high school, there was at one point, a club that maybe met twice until people (and the teacher involved) dropped out of the idea. I thought it was a shame. A mate of mine, who had thousands of cards, ended up giving me the equivalent of two decks for free, but because the club dissolved, I gave the cards back. This turns out to be something that I mildly regret. I say mildly as I'm pretty sure those cards involved White and Blue magic, which I really have no interest in.
Anyway! Fast forward to 2009, one murky Monday evening where one Timothy Stables is sitting in his room browsing the various releases on his Xbox 360 Arcade, and he's surprised to come across Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planewalkers. I gave the Trial game a shot, and I freaking loved it. It had a great tutorial, that got me playing within minutes and I'm hooked.
It turns out that quite a few of my friends have played for quite some time. Together and going to various Drafts. It's even more interesting as it seems that they pretty much all play in different colours and styles. Most of my memories involve one colour being the favourite and only those kidding themselves would collect another as if they were trying to be cool or something. So I bought the full Arcade game, and I've purchased a starter deck from the new M10 Edition (11th Edition with a "hip" name) among a few other boosters, lands and individual cards I liked. I really can't wait to get some games in. I think it'll replace that urge I've had to play Warhammer etc. As many of my friends have dropped out of that for one reason or another. I only hope that they don't also do the same with MTG. At least it's cheaper. Ha-ha!
So yeah, that's about it really.
I'm sure I will at some point be able to let you crazy folk know when I'm buggering off for a while. I can't imagine the internet will be first on our agenda when we've moved out, but it's certainly on there.
Hope all is well.
See you cats later.
stole the quote from this...a brilliant read