Woot! A band I was playing with (Staticrack's, not mine) got another #1 on Rock Band! Judas Priest's (Take These) Chains! I wonder how long it will be before someone knocks us off.
Yea, this was a lame update.
EvanX's Most Recently Played Tracks

EvanX's Weekly Artist Chart

EvanX's Weekly Track Chart

EvanX's Overall Artist Chart

EvanX's Overall Track Chart

Yea, this was a lame update.
EvanX's Most Recently Played Tracks

EvanX's Weekly Artist Chart

EvanX's Weekly Track Chart

EvanX's Overall Artist Chart

EvanX's Overall Track Chart

One of my favorite quotes of yours, when referring to Star Wars Episode 1 is - It was like George Lucas took my favorite childhood toy and broke it right in front of me.
Well, I have my own favorite quote. It was right after I saw Star Wars Episode I, which most agree was crap, but had some really good stuff too like Darth Maul. I remarked to a friend--
Seeing Episode I was like having really good sex for the very first time... but your mom is watching. Which makes it both a pleasurable yet really bad experience simultaneously.