Where has all this time gone, thoughts flash by on a reel as if it were a movie. Was it ever real, or was his love just a figment of my imagination. What is love anyways, the oxford dictionary describes love as "an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion" towards another person or object. We fall in love to feel needed, yet once in love we lose all aspect of why we're really there. That need is fulfilled and we find our selves off course, that once happiness slowly vanishing into a sea of tears. Hate devourers every moment that lays a head, for the love that was once shared has aimlessly been forgotten.
How sad it is that love has just become a word said to someone at the end of the conversation or letter. Something said to make the other person not question what you feel. "love straight up baby", that's what it is a word that has lost all it's meaning over the years. It has slowly fallen apart corrupting and destroying the hopeless romantics heart. Love is now ended in devoice, a simple word consuming people into its destructive path of misconception and lies. There it is, an end, a brake up, a verb used to often for one to count. So easy it is to end a relationship without thinking of the damage you are creating. to just forget about that one person to whom you so truly loved. Let them go, and you wont have to deal with their problems, forget like I said for it's the cowards way out.

as per your journal i would hope love had multiple alternates in the dictionary
i always felt the only way love was sincere is "i love you" not "love ya" or "<3"
said that way is the only way it didnt feel cheap
(coincidentally my signature ends like this)
<3 Alecks
(dont wanna seem like a creep)
1 nice butt you have take care