So crack a bottle, let you're body waddle
Don't act like a snobby model you just hit the lotto
UhohUhoh bitches hopping in my tahoe (prism)
Got one of em riding shotgun and not on e of them got gloves
Now where's the rubbers? who's got the rubbers?
I noticed there's so many of them and there's really not that many of us
Ladies love us, my posse's kicking up dust...
Apologies, I just listened to that song 3 times in a row.
Rumour control coming soon, but in the meantime heres a summary and a bunch of picture hints.
Oh man,
while we're on that topic
Were you ever in a terrible situation but thought 'i just can't leave this person. it would be worse without them' but then you leave and your life is WAY better than it's been in years and you think, what the hell was I thinking? Probably you have. Well, that's where I am now.
No hard feeling, he was a real bro up until i left (packed up my shit while he was at work- wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on that wall when he came home?) and now he's being a dickhead but isn't that how it always ends?
"EVANGELINNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I'm inexplicably in love with you because of how you make me feel even though I haven't really done very much on my part to be invested in who you are. And now I'm FUCKING SHOCKED that even though we had almost nothing in common you are leaving me, what do you mean I didn't POSSESS you FOREEEVVVVVEEERRRRR?"
Seriously. Same ending. Every time.
So now I'm sitting at Spiderhaus with all the hipsters. But i won't be a snob, I look just as LookAtThatFuckingHipster as the rest of them. But at least I'm self aware, fools.
More new stuff:
at least im banking now. And that 's going to be a steampunk undersea-sleeve soon.
Let rumours fly until we chat next.
Oh! Almost forgot:
Didn't feel like rotating. My ass. It says "Weevil love you long time" which is amazing to you if you watch Veronica Mars. If you don't, you're probably just a bad person.
Don't act like a snobby model you just hit the lotto
UhohUhoh bitches hopping in my tahoe (prism)
Got one of em riding shotgun and not on e of them got gloves
Now where's the rubbers? who's got the rubbers?
I noticed there's so many of them and there's really not that many of us
Ladies love us, my posse's kicking up dust...
Apologies, I just listened to that song 3 times in a row.
Rumour control coming soon, but in the meantime heres a summary and a bunch of picture hints.
Oh man,

while we're on that topic

Were you ever in a terrible situation but thought 'i just can't leave this person. it would be worse without them' but then you leave and your life is WAY better than it's been in years and you think, what the hell was I thinking? Probably you have. Well, that's where I am now.
No hard feeling, he was a real bro up until i left (packed up my shit while he was at work- wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on that wall when he came home?) and now he's being a dickhead but isn't that how it always ends?
"EVANGELINNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I'm inexplicably in love with you because of how you make me feel even though I haven't really done very much on my part to be invested in who you are. And now I'm FUCKING SHOCKED that even though we had almost nothing in common you are leaving me, what do you mean I didn't POSSESS you FOREEEVVVVVEEERRRRR?"
Seriously. Same ending. Every time.
So now I'm sitting at Spiderhaus with all the hipsters. But i won't be a snob, I look just as LookAtThatFuckingHipster as the rest of them. But at least I'm self aware, fools.
More new stuff:

at least im banking now. And that 's going to be a steampunk undersea-sleeve soon.
Let rumours fly until we chat next.
Oh! Almost forgot:

Didn't feel like rotating. My ass. It says "Weevil love you long time" which is amazing to you if you watch Veronica Mars. If you don't, you're probably just a bad person.
heehee, thankyou

I actually dont think anyone around here notices it, ha ha, I have only gotten one comment about it from a customer at work saying thats their new favorite mouth piercing, even though she was like in her 40s and didnt have any piercings