Now I'm sitting at my friend Lindsay's house watching Beauty and the Beast. We *may* go to Mr. Gatti's in a second. Also, I am singing along with all of Belle's parts. It's fun.
I don't know exactly how late I stayed up last night, but I do remember prank-calling a million people pretending to be a patriotic Russian. If you got prank-called, I'm sorry. If I don't have your number, give it to me and I will drunk dial you. Just ask Adalae, she gets drunkdialed/texted all the time.
Did Rocky last night, you should have been there. But since you probably weren't, this is what happened-
Also, have I mentioned how much I love taking naked pictures of myself? I sext a lot, too. But I am really addicted to my phone, so that's just natural.
I decided that my first priority tattoo-wise is finishing my Naboo tattoo, I still think it should say COCKNEY BITCH underneath it. And Moira said I could say that, even though I'm not English.
After that's done: Deborah Harry's face. On my thigh? Where should I put it?
Still stuck in College Station. Still hating it. Still broker than anyone should be, ever. Totally got called a Towelhead by some frat boys. So to celebrate I went out and bought the book Towelhead. Which was really amazingly good, and it's sort of weird how Alan Ball and I seem to have the same taste in books, and how he like to make movies/shows out of books I like.
Other amazing books I've read so far this summer:
The Sookie Stackhouse series
100 Years of Solitude (well, this ws a reread actually)
Let the Right One In (becuse I love stories about vampires that love humans)
And currently I'm reading Harree Booter wa Hajrat al-Asraar, otherwise known as Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, only in Arabic.
Can anyone explain to me what the booopbeeping is at the end of VHSes? I've always wondered that, and it just did it because Beauty and the Beast is over now.