Hells Yeah City!
Is next week. And I'm actually a little nervous. I have no idea where I'm staying or what I'm doing all weekend. Last year I booked a hotel and had a schedule already for working the booth. This year I have nothing. I'm diving into empty space, SG, Hell Citers please catch me.
My birthday day was faiirly uneventful. I sat outside of my Arabic class for about twenty minutes before deciding I really didn't want to go in and had coffee witth my bf Sarah instead. Then I watched Let the Right One In because the only thing I care about, apparently, is vampires that love humans.
Sookie Stackhouse, anyone?
A guy in the coffeehouse I'm in just sneezed, and I blessed him. Let me just say that I am usuallu cardinally against blessing people after they sneeze. 1) nobody knows why we even say it anymore and 2) when I was sixteen, my boyfriend accused my family of never blessing people after sneezing, which just wasn't true but since then I have stopped doing it out of spite to him. Anyway, I did it just now. And you know what? He had headphones on, so he didn't hear me anyway.
Which reminds me of one of the worst/best moments of my stripper career ever. It was a normal night, early in the evening and I was feeling just disgusting. Bloated and gross and unattractive and all things unsexy. I went onstage and no one was tipping me. I don't know if you've ever danced naked in front of tons of strangers when you feel like a forgotten whale on the Galveston beach, but when those stranger's reaction is to fail to react at all, you feel much much worse.
So i was feeling disgusting and unwanted and awkward on the stage by myself when finally, a savior approached the stage to tip me. I slinked over to him with my sexiest bend over slowly move and started dancing in front of him. But something just wasn't right. He wasn't looking at my boobs or my butt or trying to make creepy eye contact. In fact, he wasn't looking at anything in particular at all. That's when I noticed the cane. The white cane. He was blind.
The only person in the club that felt compelled to tip me was blind. I could have just hung myslef with my t-back right then and there.
On the upshot, 3 days AFTER my birthday was My Big Adventure, hosted by member name=I don't fucking remember, but my writing partner, former roomate, and all around favorite guy Michael. Here are some pictures. Which btw, my sister gave me a camera for my bithday so prepare to be inundated with photos henceforth.
Me and a black mamba at our first stop: The Snake Farm

The nervous approach of the llama.
At the riverwalk. Which i had never been to before. We also went inside a cave.
Is next week. And I'm actually a little nervous. I have no idea where I'm staying or what I'm doing all weekend. Last year I booked a hotel and had a schedule already for working the booth. This year I have nothing. I'm diving into empty space, SG, Hell Citers please catch me.
My birthday day was faiirly uneventful. I sat outside of my Arabic class for about twenty minutes before deciding I really didn't want to go in and had coffee witth my bf Sarah instead. Then I watched Let the Right One In because the only thing I care about, apparently, is vampires that love humans.
Sookie Stackhouse, anyone?
A guy in the coffeehouse I'm in just sneezed, and I blessed him. Let me just say that I am usuallu cardinally against blessing people after they sneeze. 1) nobody knows why we even say it anymore and 2) when I was sixteen, my boyfriend accused my family of never blessing people after sneezing, which just wasn't true but since then I have stopped doing it out of spite to him. Anyway, I did it just now. And you know what? He had headphones on, so he didn't hear me anyway.
Which reminds me of one of the worst/best moments of my stripper career ever. It was a normal night, early in the evening and I was feeling just disgusting. Bloated and gross and unattractive and all things unsexy. I went onstage and no one was tipping me. I don't know if you've ever danced naked in front of tons of strangers when you feel like a forgotten whale on the Galveston beach, but when those stranger's reaction is to fail to react at all, you feel much much worse.
So i was feeling disgusting and unwanted and awkward on the stage by myself when finally, a savior approached the stage to tip me. I slinked over to him with my sexiest bend over slowly move and started dancing in front of him. But something just wasn't right. He wasn't looking at my boobs or my butt or trying to make creepy eye contact. In fact, he wasn't looking at anything in particular at all. That's when I noticed the cane. The white cane. He was blind.
The only person in the club that felt compelled to tip me was blind. I could have just hung myslef with my t-back right then and there.
On the upshot, 3 days AFTER my birthday was My Big Adventure, hosted by member name=I don't fucking remember, but my writing partner, former roomate, and all around favorite guy Michael. Here are some pictures. Which btw, my sister gave me a camera for my bithday so prepare to be inundated with photos henceforth.

Me and a black mamba at our first stop: The Snake Farm

The nervous approach of the llama.

At the riverwalk. Which i had never been to before. We also went inside a cave.
love the llama pics, funny

Bummer you couldn't make it out to HC this year.