I'm so bored right now.
So very unspeakably bored.
Don't ever work retail. Like, just don't do it. And if you already do, then, I guess run screaming into the night. I want a new job. Does anyone have a nice little tattoo shop that needs a floorgirl? One thing that does help a little is that we are going to start filming the webtv show i wrote. It's going to be very, very funny.
On top of it all, my store is directly next to Sephora, which is unfortunate for my unhealthy makeup buying addiction. All my money goes to there or American Apparel.
So, I shot a set for the June self shot contest in a photobooth, and initially i was really happy with how it turned out, but now that more time has passed i don't feel completely confident about loading it. I mean, it's crappy photobooth quality and even though i know that's the point of self-shot stuff, most of the submissions are still pretty nice looking. I just want to show them to someone and get an opinion, I meant to take them to Ohio but i forgotted.
I am ready to shoot another set, but vermelho is swamped and everyone else is far away. Adalae and I are talking about taking a fun trip...maybe to Cali later this summer! I love her.
Also, in a couple weeks we have this:
Which will be fun! There's gonna be cotton candy and pretty ladies and i think i'm going to buy silly wigs.
So, my ex-husband is getting married on the 20th. Which i don't really care about in the sense that i want him to still love me because that would be gross. We married when i was 18 and he was like thirty. I left a few short months later. A few of my friends are going and me and my buddy Raini wanted to crash it with beer and wifebeaters. I actually was a little offended that i wasn't invited. I guess that would be inappropriate but i can honestly say it wouldn't bother me if he came to my wedding. It would be the same as if some other person i moderately knew showed up.
I had a dream last night he raped me? Weird.
Oi, Boosh lovers listen to this: As a bashfully belated birthday present my friend Lindsay stole a sign for me from 'Old Gregg Lane'. No shit. It exists and it's in Austin and now the sign i sin my freaking living room. What the hell?
I can't decide if i should just go to Paul Mitchell academy for esthetics. Or should i finish college? There's more to this query, but the basic idea is I have a couple years of college left and i really hate it and i lost my financial aid and i could go to Paul Mitchell and be an esthetician and then go back to school and then i wouldn't have to work stupid shitty shoesale retail!
The good news is that the stripper show shoots this summer. It's going to be really fun. The only thing missing now is a few actors and someone to write a website. I have the domain and the server space but I don't know how to do the other stuff.
I miss Navy.
So very unspeakably bored.
Don't ever work retail. Like, just don't do it. And if you already do, then, I guess run screaming into the night. I want a new job. Does anyone have a nice little tattoo shop that needs a floorgirl? One thing that does help a little is that we are going to start filming the webtv show i wrote. It's going to be very, very funny.
On top of it all, my store is directly next to Sephora, which is unfortunate for my unhealthy makeup buying addiction. All my money goes to there or American Apparel.
So, I shot a set for the June self shot contest in a photobooth, and initially i was really happy with how it turned out, but now that more time has passed i don't feel completely confident about loading it. I mean, it's crappy photobooth quality and even though i know that's the point of self-shot stuff, most of the submissions are still pretty nice looking. I just want to show them to someone and get an opinion, I meant to take them to Ohio but i forgotted.
I am ready to shoot another set, but vermelho is swamped and everyone else is far away. Adalae and I are talking about taking a fun trip...maybe to Cali later this summer! I love her.
Also, in a couple weeks we have this:

Which will be fun! There's gonna be cotton candy and pretty ladies and i think i'm going to buy silly wigs.
So, my ex-husband is getting married on the 20th. Which i don't really care about in the sense that i want him to still love me because that would be gross. We married when i was 18 and he was like thirty. I left a few short months later. A few of my friends are going and me and my buddy Raini wanted to crash it with beer and wifebeaters. I actually was a little offended that i wasn't invited. I guess that would be inappropriate but i can honestly say it wouldn't bother me if he came to my wedding. It would be the same as if some other person i moderately knew showed up.
I had a dream last night he raped me? Weird.
Oi, Boosh lovers listen to this: As a bashfully belated birthday present my friend Lindsay stole a sign for me from 'Old Gregg Lane'. No shit. It exists and it's in Austin and now the sign i sin my freaking living room. What the hell?
I can't decide if i should just go to Paul Mitchell academy for esthetics. Or should i finish college? There's more to this query, but the basic idea is I have a couple years of college left and i really hate it and i lost my financial aid and i could go to Paul Mitchell and be an esthetician and then go back to school and then i wouldn't have to work stupid shitty shoesale retail!
The good news is that the stripper show shoots this summer. It's going to be really fun. The only thing missing now is a few actors and someone to write a website. I have the domain and the server space but I don't know how to do the other stuff.
I miss Navy.
i think you need a new set baaaaad! 

The Boosh is excellent! I love your Boosh tattoo. My boss has one of the black skull on her arm. Hilarious!