Check it. Yes, that is Naboo's face.
I got a new tattoo. You seen the Might Boosh? Well you should.

It's not quite done yet. Next session he's putting 'I'm a cockney bitch' underneath Naboo.
Speaking of all that, they are touring in November and I'm thinking of going. Any English folks down with houseguest in the fall?
I moved Russell in. It;s 5:30 in the morning and i am awake because his dog chased my cats and the noise woke up Avigail and now everyone is in the living room and it's absolutely ridiculous.
This is my can't wait for Hell City face:

It's my birthday next Monday. I will be 22 and not at all introspective. I'm over it.
Things are getting better, i will give you but a small taste of the unbelievable mess the last couple months have been:
Someone has been draining my gas tank and replacing it with water. This has happened twice at my apartment in the middle of the night, the next morning letting my car get as far as South Congress before it starts violently shaking and shuts off- once at a red light where people TOTALLY LOST THEIR MINDS when the light turned green and my car at the front of the line didn't move.
Now, I understand honking the first couple seconds, maybe i was on my phone or simply unobservant and needed to be called back to reality. But after a substantial amount of time has passed and you notice that the person's hazards are on and she's on the phone frantically sobbing, wouldn't you REALIZE that the driver is not voluntarily leaving their car in the middle of the road, so it is completely unnecessary and ineffective to yell 'FUCK you motherFUCKER' at them as you drive by?
Total it cost about 500 dollars to keep repairing, and 60 dollars in stolen gas. And i don;t have a clue who could be doing this. At first i had some theories, but after the second time all i could think of is 'Jeez, nobody i know is this dedicated.'
Like, i have some bitter exes, but they're all way too lazy to go through that trouble. Let alone twice.
Sasha (Russell's insano heroine addict ex) is nuts and would be capable of doing something this crazy, but she wouldn't do it anonymously. If she was to blame we would hear about it at all the bars by now and she's more of a wait-outside-my-apartment-to-throw-acid-on-my-face-and-scream-'Now-he-won't-love-you
-anymore-hahaha' kind of crazy.
Maybe it was Palestinian mobster Sam. But probably not.
Maybe it was random. But probably not. What the hell, right?
Anyway, it's caused all sorts of crazy money snafus. Like for a while there i was just going to drive off a large cliff, but we don't have any really good driving off of cliffs here in Austin but really any steep embankment would do.
I'm tired.
I leave you with these questions:
1) Austin filmmakers looking for a great project? I has one.
2) Any girls interested in doing a multi with me where we just beat the shit out of each other and end in a kiss?
3) Is there something wrong with me?
I got a new tattoo. You seen the Might Boosh? Well you should.

It's not quite done yet. Next session he's putting 'I'm a cockney bitch' underneath Naboo.
Speaking of all that, they are touring in November and I'm thinking of going. Any English folks down with houseguest in the fall?
I moved Russell in. It;s 5:30 in the morning and i am awake because his dog chased my cats and the noise woke up Avigail and now everyone is in the living room and it's absolutely ridiculous.
This is my can't wait for Hell City face:

It's my birthday next Monday. I will be 22 and not at all introspective. I'm over it.
Things are getting better, i will give you but a small taste of the unbelievable mess the last couple months have been:
Someone has been draining my gas tank and replacing it with water. This has happened twice at my apartment in the middle of the night, the next morning letting my car get as far as South Congress before it starts violently shaking and shuts off- once at a red light where people TOTALLY LOST THEIR MINDS when the light turned green and my car at the front of the line didn't move.
Now, I understand honking the first couple seconds, maybe i was on my phone or simply unobservant and needed to be called back to reality. But after a substantial amount of time has passed and you notice that the person's hazards are on and she's on the phone frantically sobbing, wouldn't you REALIZE that the driver is not voluntarily leaving their car in the middle of the road, so it is completely unnecessary and ineffective to yell 'FUCK you motherFUCKER' at them as you drive by?
Total it cost about 500 dollars to keep repairing, and 60 dollars in stolen gas. And i don;t have a clue who could be doing this. At first i had some theories, but after the second time all i could think of is 'Jeez, nobody i know is this dedicated.'
Like, i have some bitter exes, but they're all way too lazy to go through that trouble. Let alone twice.
Sasha (Russell's insano heroine addict ex) is nuts and would be capable of doing something this crazy, but she wouldn't do it anonymously. If she was to blame we would hear about it at all the bars by now and she's more of a wait-outside-my-apartment-to-throw-acid-on-my-face-and-scream-'Now-he-won't-love-you
-anymore-hahaha' kind of crazy.
Maybe it was Palestinian mobster Sam. But probably not.
Maybe it was random. But probably not. What the hell, right?
Anyway, it's caused all sorts of crazy money snafus. Like for a while there i was just going to drive off a large cliff, but we don't have any really good driving off of cliffs here in Austin but really any steep embankment would do.
I'm tired.
I leave you with these questions:
1) Austin filmmakers looking for a great project? I has one.
2) Any girls interested in doing a multi with me where we just beat the shit out of each other and end in a kiss?
3) Is there something wrong with me?
A Mighty Boosh tattoo? Now I love you even more!
OMG Naboo's head! I love him. He's Vince's brother in real life. He's so cute looking