oh man,
this weekend starts now. I have tomorrow and Saturday off. I have pretty ood cash flow. I have plans with two awesome people tomorrow night.
I was thinking about getting a new tattoo tomorrow night. QUICKLY QUICKLY I NEED YOUR INPUT!!! I can't decide. Here's a few. (just tell me what you lke best, i don't want to hear how ridiculous you think some of my ideas are...i wouldn't say it to YOU)
* the Dark Mark on my forearm
*an illustration from alice in wonderland on the other side of my chest
*birds on the back of my calves with verses from nabakov's Lolita
*A bee with the words 'God Save the Queen' (thats right. i love lil kim THAT much)
*GRASS WIDOW with a pretty fawn either on my side or across my stomach
*'For Esme, With Love and Squalor' maybe a sailor theme?? Location???
and much more but i those are the main ones.
This weekend should be full of creativity. I'm excited. I'll be talking to Matt Coleman about makin a music video, and possibly moving forward with the tv show that myself and former shittiest boyfriend ever Lucas Molandes worked on. It's about strippers. It's hilaroius. More later.
Anyone coming to Austin for SXSW?? Its goin' be fun. If you like that sort of thing?
Damnit. Why don't i know how to do links?
this weekend starts now. I have tomorrow and Saturday off. I have pretty ood cash flow. I have plans with two awesome people tomorrow night.
I was thinking about getting a new tattoo tomorrow night. QUICKLY QUICKLY I NEED YOUR INPUT!!! I can't decide. Here's a few. (just tell me what you lke best, i don't want to hear how ridiculous you think some of my ideas are...i wouldn't say it to YOU)
* the Dark Mark on my forearm
*an illustration from alice in wonderland on the other side of my chest
*birds on the back of my calves with verses from nabakov's Lolita
*A bee with the words 'God Save the Queen' (thats right. i love lil kim THAT much)
*GRASS WIDOW with a pretty fawn either on my side or across my stomach
*'For Esme, With Love and Squalor' maybe a sailor theme?? Location???
and much more but i those are the main ones.
This weekend should be full of creativity. I'm excited. I'll be talking to Matt Coleman about makin a music video, and possibly moving forward with the tv show that myself and former shittiest boyfriend ever Lucas Molandes worked on. It's about strippers. It's hilaroius. More later.
Anyone coming to Austin for SXSW?? Its goin' be fun. If you like that sort of thing?
Damnit. Why don't i know how to do links?
I like the Alice illustration.
i must agree the bee sounds to bee the better of the choices but what move's you the most go with that one. Hope everything goes well this weekend