I like this pic of me

I realized this week being in Orlando really has helped shape my inner transformation! I love that I can come back and rejuvenate and explore and discover new things that are so aligned with what I need. I love even more the depth and fullness of my relationships as we journey together into the intimate truths and find ourselves attracting other relationships that are so fulfilling. We are more alike than different....

I am always dreaming and anticipating when I can just be fucking home already!!!!!!

Is it odd that I love to mow the lawn?????

When your beastie is smack in the middle of a nasty ass divorce and on the budget of budgets- two girls gotta do what we have to do, and we trimmed that shit on down! Thankfully we somehow managed to not damage the house or ourselves with that beast of a ladder, although there was a moment where we sorta lost control of it

Ta Ta for now lovers

I fucking hate mowing the lawn