Songs of beauty Kahlil Gibran
I am lover's guide. I am the wine of the soul, the food of the heart. I am the flower that opened its heart when the day was young. A girl took me, kissed me and placed me on her breast. I am the house of Felicity, the source of joy. I am the beginning of repose, the gentle smile on a maidens lips. A youth sees me and forgets his companions. His life becomes a stage for dreams of pleasure. I am the inspiration of poets, the guide of artists, the musician's teacher. I am the gaze of the infant's eye. The loving mother sees it and bows in prayer and praise of God. I appeared to Adam in the body of Eve and made him a slave. I appeared to Solomon in the figure of his beloved, and I made him sage and poet. I smiled to Helen and Troy was destroyed. I crowned Cleopatra and love filled the valley of the Nile. I, like time, build the day and raise its eve. I am God, bestowing life and death. I am softer than the sigh of a violet's blossom, harsher than the storm. I am reality, O men. I am reality, and I am goodness that you do not know.

You need not fear, my love, for never have the stars on high told what they know.
Night's thick mists swirl in these vineyards; they will veil our secrets.
You need not fear the spirit bride will come out from her magic cave.
She lies in drunken sleep, unseen by all save houris' eyes.
The spirit king, if he should pass, let passion give him due praise.
Like me he is in love and will not punish love, for he burns too!

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