Have you ever wondered silently about a person of the same sex;whether you could be in that relationship?

Goddess Ishtar

Treat she that her passion to you offers freely, as a diamond on your crown. Passion is a woman's precious gift, given to those that awaken her heart. Many lovers she might have, but passion is the fruit that is rare. If her passion you abuse and leave her with pain, a jewel to the winds you have thrown; only rocks can you now pick. Passion doesn't rest in the lust of her flesh, but in the dream of her heart. Look for the truth in My words and learn the secrets of passion. There is only one law that governs her desire. A womens passion is her redeemer or slayer. Dispel her fears and awaken her heart, O prince of love and the diamond will shine in heart, mind and flesh. excerpt from Codex of Love reflections from the heart of Ishtar~

I found it...this charming little place in Philly that looks perfect to go recharge my worn batteries. The picture of the door seems so familiar. I have to wonder if it is the same place seered in my mind- walking along on a cold winters day feeling drawn to this place and wondering what was on the other side of the door. It seems like a lifetime ago since I've lived in Philly, how curious it would be if that door and its building were one and the same as that to which tickled my imagination, whilst staining my soul....
I am loving playing with photography effects

Now I feel a bit randy- may have to duck into the masturbation group and see what's ahmmm UP!

I have discovered some amazing female vocalists

it's a start.