I can't sleep....

I would make a cute Nun I think- would just have to stay away from the wine

I am wide awake at 4:10 Am and have been for the past two hours- not sexy. Strange nightmare of being the head of all of the branches of the military and having to segregate them so I could keep an eye on them. We are on a deserted island with lush greenery you see, and it is O dark at night! I apparently only have about a dozen or so soldiers( Male and Female you pervs)

That's right - they were turning into Vampires! How am I going to kill them and who can I trust to NOT turn into a vamp??? Then there were guns( Dislike) and glass buildings

If I were to write a song it would have been this one.
I hadn't realized I had this until recent.. .
I miss him madly. I long to be near him, hear his voice, his laugh, his touch- he is such a character, to sit in silence and say nothing while our souls have a conversation all its own, to make love and play, to read to one another and see what we can inspire in each other, to marvel in his talents; the ones he has forsaken to be a practical adult, the ones that are a part of him he can never silence forever- the talents that I so admire in all that posses them. I'd love that he make time, get on a plane to me for once so we can spend a few days with no cares in the world, No obligations, no hiding. I really want to show him Philly; a quaint bed and breakfast modernized with Wifi and a nice bath of course, The Art and Science museums, the history and culture. The Food...just so much I want and have always wanted to experience and share with him. He's like me but opposite LOL. He's the only one that gets it..me...I don't know....He's the one that I can be all of Me with- not just the parts, all of me....I'd love to go to him..right now I just want to be selfish with him...
That made me cry a little- "Epic Dislike!"
Daily Candy Philadelphia Aerial Yoga=Giggitty!] I think I had an orgasm when I saw that>Yoga in the air Ahhh Hellloooooo Lovaaaa
MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm Charlie Mars:
To play the muse, inspire such creative passions as to silence the mind whilst the heart and soul of a man takes flight; higher and higher the priceless drug, Is this Euphoria, is this ecstasy that drowns us in unbriddled frenzy, I ask what does the muse possess that can bring nations to unrest?!
I'm going to pop my trusty charcoal pills for my infantile digestive system that gets upset even when I don't really eat, drink some water to hydrate and smoke some more cigarettes that I have been curiously been smoking far too many of in recent weeks- almost like watching a movie - I dislike but for oddly with the exception of the other day when it almost repelled me;I feel like someone else is smoking these bitches vicariously through me. Thank God today is an evening shift so I can get some sleep I hope -the suns coming