As I rush to shower and slumber and return to work early AM, I had to stop and release for a moment....Not that kind of release you pervs
I received an email about a position I applied for back in July at the urging of my old roomie and dearest friend from Orlando. Someone she'd befriended at prenatal classes ( or something of the sort) urged her to become a flight attendant. It was talk for about a year and one day she applied. That was June.
My dearie would also toss it casually that I should look into it. I really didn't pay any mind, I mean great for her....Me???? I just didn't see it. Alas I did throw out my resume since I knew my time in S. Florida was nearing close and partly because - WHY NOT RIGHT???
I thought briefly about it the other day since she was on a layover near me. Every other word is blah blah ...I love being a flight attendant and blah blah you really should do this..blah blah LA and blah blah you would love it and I see LA for you... I know she really from the core of her soul does enjoy the freedom of working as little or much as she wants. She interviewed over the summer, trained in September and I literally had to shove my foot up her scared buns to just let whatever happens happen and go with it.
Back to my email- Apparently ( I did Know this) a merger and interviews in waves and I suppose they are on to the next wave- My resume is forwarded and if they are interested I will get an invite to interview!
I am excited mostly at the idea that things are manifesting in a quick and positive way, also the idea of traveling domestic and international ....Just wow. I am also excited knowing that a hub is being opened at LAX. If this came to fruition - that could be my home base and that would put me downtown LA where I would love to experience being a city chick for awhile
Ultimately I believe Santa Monica is where I would want to settle if I had a family, if NOT > Fuck IT I've made peace with that Too!!!!
The only person besides Steph that I have told is B and although supportive as always - seemed a little not as happy as, I imagined he would be. I'm glad things have gone the way they have with him, he could have been a huge distraction for me- I choose instead to focus on ME. He has been an angel. More and More I see not only the obvious reasons we crossed paths...I see the huge way his presence helped me grow. Hopefully it has been twofold!!!
Funny I realized while logging on - my desktop vision board not only has Yoga and Vegetarianism ( both of which I have resumed recently) but a picture of a plane, a woman with a suitcase (which on close inspection of the original pic is a flight attendant) and somewhere in the corner not really easily seen is a woman sitting in an airport! I did this vision board nearly two years ago. It was intended as visions of me traveling!!!!:
April is The Keys for my girls wedding and meeting friends in Vegas end of the month. I have really not ever known the kind of peace and faith that I have realized the past months and I although I have always enjoyed being with Me, I really enjoy my own company and doing my own thing. I'st difficult to just have someone around for the sake of having someone..... Life is just so amazing, mysterious and magical. Glad I woke up

I received an email about a position I applied for back in July at the urging of my old roomie and dearest friend from Orlando. Someone she'd befriended at prenatal classes ( or something of the sort) urged her to become a flight attendant. It was talk for about a year and one day she applied. That was June.
My dearie would also toss it casually that I should look into it. I really didn't pay any mind, I mean great for her....Me???? I just didn't see it. Alas I did throw out my resume since I knew my time in S. Florida was nearing close and partly because - WHY NOT RIGHT???
I thought briefly about it the other day since she was on a layover near me. Every other word is blah blah ...I love being a flight attendant and blah blah you really should do this..blah blah LA and blah blah you would love it and I see LA for you... I know she really from the core of her soul does enjoy the freedom of working as little or much as she wants. She interviewed over the summer, trained in September and I literally had to shove my foot up her scared buns to just let whatever happens happen and go with it.
Back to my email- Apparently ( I did Know this) a merger and interviews in waves and I suppose they are on to the next wave- My resume is forwarded and if they are interested I will get an invite to interview!
I am excited mostly at the idea that things are manifesting in a quick and positive way, also the idea of traveling domestic and international ....Just wow. I am also excited knowing that a hub is being opened at LAX. If this came to fruition - that could be my home base and that would put me downtown LA where I would love to experience being a city chick for awhile

The only person besides Steph that I have told is B and although supportive as always - seemed a little not as happy as, I imagined he would be. I'm glad things have gone the way they have with him, he could have been a huge distraction for me- I choose instead to focus on ME. He has been an angel. More and More I see not only the obvious reasons we crossed paths...I see the huge way his presence helped me grow. Hopefully it has been twofold!!!
Funny I realized while logging on - my desktop vision board not only has Yoga and Vegetarianism ( both of which I have resumed recently) but a picture of a plane, a woman with a suitcase (which on close inspection of the original pic is a flight attendant) and somewhere in the corner not really easily seen is a woman sitting in an airport! I did this vision board nearly two years ago. It was intended as visions of me traveling!!!!:

April is The Keys for my girls wedding and meeting friends in Vegas end of the month. I have really not ever known the kind of peace and faith that I have realized the past months and I although I have always enjoyed being with Me, I really enjoy my own company and doing my own thing. I'st difficult to just have someone around for the sake of having someone..... Life is just so amazing, mysterious and magical. Glad I woke up

Good luck with the job, hope you get a interview soon.