Thoughts, goals, plans impede my mind overiding necessary action to fulfill mundane tasks. I can feel it, taste it- hidden dreams lost in a reality translated by toxic minds, faithless shadows, fearful servents. I love them - they are friends-family confidants, sheep, weak. I am fearful no more. I am too tired to worry, too bored to care, too done to fail. Too at peace with my humanity, my sin , my mortality to not fight! I am a warrior, a sinner, a saint, the virgen, the whore, the maid, the mother, the psychiatrist, the doctor, the child, the truth and the lie all at once. I am who I am and pretend nothing-chameleon.SHHHHH- my dreams are knocking; you don't have to hear them, see them, feel them for I do as they are mine and mine alone. They comfort and guide me and the clarity. I am no longer alone; silence for I must listen now.....
Have a great weekend.