It is so frightening that no matter how much someone hurts you- it's never easy to walk away. I'm thankful for sinful distractions, I cant let another man ever be my Epicenter. FUCK that -hurt fades! Lesson learned...
Never your epicenter, always your partner. khoos and the girls are what my life revolves around, but she is my equal. My balance.
Your right and i dont know why I am so not in or overboard. i think part of being hurt is seeing the changes we have to make in our selves. Im learning I have to find balance- i'm to independant and free spirited to be bound that way and i could see where if i werent conscious of it repeat of a very bad relationship. That only I can take responsibility for so atleast I see clearly...and partner is the perfect scenario! NOW WTF why cant i see my video??? I was having a Marilyn Manson moment! LOL How are the girls???