I long for your touch, the stillness of spirit entertwined;the debths of your conscious.
Oceans between us; I hear you speak to me, feel me as I am you.
Can you hear me? Not in the breath but the soul as I whisper ...whisper ....
Desire is beyond the physical, transcends time. We are as one.
In my being we exist as such.
Desire overwhelms as I but dream of moments in time that were real.
They were real weren't they my sweet?
What is love beyond the veil?
Souls woven in time; love timeless~
Sometimes I long for you so deeply my heart feels as though it will burst.
Other times I can only fade into memory of the scent of you, I feel you so intensly as if you are me.
I speak to you in silence, yet you hear me- don't you?
I am satisfied in a knowledge that my words and thoughts transcend time even the harsh distance; oceans between us, the tears fall.
I long so for your embrace; I long so for your touch, your passion, your love of life.
The hunger to be with you and more; so much more.....
Love? I sigh, laugh, cry; this is like a disease that grows, manifesting it's on path.
This breaks my heart and fills it simultaneously.
The knowledge of you fills my body with lust, my mind with ferverent desire.
What exists beyond love?
Souls entertwined, a love that can never die ~
Of course, there's way too many people to love out there
I ended up watching the fight from a bar in Austin. I enjoyed it. Glad I didn't spend the money and drive up to Dallas to catch it in person.