All of these wonderful things are happening to my friends: Baby's and weddings....all I can think is wow- that's going to be a lot for me to handle from LA! Then my mind quickly darts to what if I am here for it all? End of next month I am hosting the baby Shower for my roomate-High Tea. pretty tea pots and cups, scones and assorted tea sandwiches. Hopefully i can get all the ladies to atleast pull out something old and pretty...I have some of my grandmothers costume jewelry-she asked me one day while i was visiting a few years back to help her organize all her stuff, then she made me take some of it
I am hoping everyone has atleast one thing that makes them feel feminine and takes them back into a special moment or thought. I love vintage stuff-so very nostalgic
And then there is the guy part of me that is like: why can't I send a text to invite people? ( Steph's has another friend that wanted to do this, never contacted me and frankly would have turned this into an event that would have banished her from my life without a thought. She's already borderline. Since she insists on being part of it-she can do all the stuff I don't want to. I have my gifts coming perfectly wrapped in the babies colors, I have the tea room and treats taken care of-i have even provided all the registry links-sent texts for save the dates,found a site that has some games(No i wasn't down with that), gave my idea on what the keepsake should be( tea cups and saucers-vintage) also econimically priced! Tossed in the cake idea....really minimal details and as long as know one annoys me w/ this crap....We're golden and i'm done!
April 11 is Erin's bridal Shower....Mid May is her wedding, June is Steph's Ball of joy, sometine in April when my crabby best friend from jersey Lisa-would like to share her life, instead of being all up in mine and not sharing her fortunes...she too is due to have a baby. Maybe at some point she'll share some more detail-she really has no friends....and unfortunately Ya can't get water from stone, so I wash my hands on that affair and hopefully she will give me more to go with after the baby is born. KAALA- from what I know will be wanting me in her wedding next year, which Mary willl not be in as she is styling it and frankly thinks the tropical theme is hideous-however over pancakes yesterday told me that I will be asked, because K already went through the who will need to go on a diet routine. Thankfully for her Mary says her comment was - Homegirl is good ...her and Erin are straight, but everyone else.....
My thoughts-return to why? to each there own....I don't like being upset...EVER! Stress free and peaceful makes me happy and some things just flat out don't make good sense to me. Weddings- If I should ever walk down the isle, it will be on a beach. Close friends and Close Family or maybe I might fly away to some island with a good friend in tow...tie the knot and send everyone the freaking cliff notes! My aunt Carol would Kill me..I think I got her to deal with -beach ceremony though! Bachelor and Bachlorette party? I'm not spending all night with a bunch of chicks? Not going to see a bunch of dicks in my face at a male review, not wearing that silly shit bad friends make brides to be wear. I am the dirtiest down for whatever girl I know and I know a lot of ladies that are the same...I also have friends that would be shocked and apalled at some the crap i find amusing-suck it up. Me and My Man ...Dinner, Boxing or something of that nature, stripclubs, maybe gamble, back to stripclubs and parties wherever. Pretty much Vegas w/ some of our trashiest and close friends for a hella weekend! That's it!
Childbirth??? If I am blessed with ONE, no more then TWO are poppin out of here-I will say that! and Pretty much, let me continue with my yoga, get a dulla, have a nanny ( you need to have someone stable that can be trusted) and Knock me the fuck out. Do you know all the crap I am learning about the child bearing process???? FAR more then I ever freaking imagined. My friend Jess says it's like shooting a watermelon out your ass because that's where it felt like it was coming from.
When I grow up that's well and fine and good and all.....the thought makes me want a cocktail! Anywho....If I am still here in the same situation.... This cannot happen. It would make my dear ones here very happy...but I plan with the's gonna be tough to juggle this shit from out of state and with a career and all. But I will......
PS- sorry for the rant - i feel like I am going to have nightmares about weddings and showers....all the expense and wasted energy spent to show off for people that aren't worth anything positive in a person's life is just silly lto me. Close and personal and enjoy that process....that is a priceless notion in my eyes!

And then there is the guy part of me that is like: why can't I send a text to invite people? ( Steph's has another friend that wanted to do this, never contacted me and frankly would have turned this into an event that would have banished her from my life without a thought. She's already borderline. Since she insists on being part of it-she can do all the stuff I don't want to. I have my gifts coming perfectly wrapped in the babies colors, I have the tea room and treats taken care of-i have even provided all the registry links-sent texts for save the dates,found a site that has some games(No i wasn't down with that), gave my idea on what the keepsake should be( tea cups and saucers-vintage) also econimically priced! Tossed in the cake idea....really minimal details and as long as know one annoys me w/ this crap....We're golden and i'm done!
April 11 is Erin's bridal Shower....Mid May is her wedding, June is Steph's Ball of joy, sometine in April when my crabby best friend from jersey Lisa-would like to share her life, instead of being all up in mine and not sharing her fortunes...she too is due to have a baby. Maybe at some point she'll share some more detail-she really has no friends....and unfortunately Ya can't get water from stone, so I wash my hands on that affair and hopefully she will give me more to go with after the baby is born. KAALA- from what I know will be wanting me in her wedding next year, which Mary willl not be in as she is styling it and frankly thinks the tropical theme is hideous-however over pancakes yesterday told me that I will be asked, because K already went through the who will need to go on a diet routine. Thankfully for her Mary says her comment was - Homegirl is good ...her and Erin are straight, but everyone else.....
My thoughts-return to why? to each there own....I don't like being upset...EVER! Stress free and peaceful makes me happy and some things just flat out don't make good sense to me. Weddings- If I should ever walk down the isle, it will be on a beach. Close friends and Close Family or maybe I might fly away to some island with a good friend in tow...tie the knot and send everyone the freaking cliff notes! My aunt Carol would Kill me..I think I got her to deal with -beach ceremony though! Bachelor and Bachlorette party? I'm not spending all night with a bunch of chicks? Not going to see a bunch of dicks in my face at a male review, not wearing that silly shit bad friends make brides to be wear. I am the dirtiest down for whatever girl I know and I know a lot of ladies that are the same...I also have friends that would be shocked and apalled at some the crap i find amusing-suck it up. Me and My Man ...Dinner, Boxing or something of that nature, stripclubs, maybe gamble, back to stripclubs and parties wherever. Pretty much Vegas w/ some of our trashiest and close friends for a hella weekend! That's it!
Childbirth??? If I am blessed with ONE, no more then TWO are poppin out of here-I will say that! and Pretty much, let me continue with my yoga, get a dulla, have a nanny ( you need to have someone stable that can be trusted) and Knock me the fuck out. Do you know all the crap I am learning about the child bearing process???? FAR more then I ever freaking imagined. My friend Jess says it's like shooting a watermelon out your ass because that's where it felt like it was coming from.

PS- sorry for the rant - i feel like I am going to have nightmares about weddings and showers....all the expense and wasted energy spent to show off for people that aren't worth anything positive in a person's life is just silly lto me. Close and personal and enjoy that process....that is a priceless notion in my eyes!
It is easy to be sweet with sweet friends like you. HAPPY FRIDAY
to you too.

Sounds like you planned a great shower! I hate doing things like that... so much of a person's happiness riding on your ability to come up with the perfect invitations or something... It sounds like you're doing way better than I would!