OMG- talk about busy! I got sick last week, and lost my voice, of course my bf thought I sounded like a porn star, and he loved it. I on the other hand found it very inconvenient. I couldn't speak on the phone, my voice sounded less like a porn star and more like a bad cellular connection, can you hear me now? LOL. AWFUL. So my boss sent me home on Thursday, which was cool cuz I got home, fell into my bed, and didn't move until 11PM. My satin sheets & comforter held me hostage, I was a submissive hostage, didn't put up much of a fight.
I took off on Friday to get my shopping done (I scheduled it weeks ago, BEFORE I got sick). HA! What a joke that turned out to be! My gf picked me up at 9AM, we headed towards the outlets, the whole way I listened to her babble on & on & on about crap. I love her, but it it impossible to get a word in edge wise, but on that day it was ok, especially because my voice still sounded like a bad cellular connection. We got to the outlets, which is uisually a favorite destination for me. We went into Coach, and you know what? I left with a teeny tiney bag! The girls in Coach know me by name, I have 1 girl who I always give my commission to, she's awesome, plus she is HOT! But you know I am sick, or not feeling like myself, when I leave Coach with a small bag! I typically spend $1,500 each visit, so you can imagine Kat's (the sales girl) disappointment with my measley $100 sale. Some stocking stuffers, for MYSELF (LOL)... unfortunately my stocking would be empty if I did not put shit into it- my bf is not exactly Christmas friendly. He IS a ba-humbug. He hasn't surprised me with anything romantic, not even a little bit romantic, since our 1st Christmas together. I mean it's hard to top a $5,000 white gold & diamond necklace, but he can try, can't he? Oh well. If I want to romanced I'd be with another man. I opt for stability &
love, material shit I can buy for myself. It's his absolute unconditional love for me that beckons me to stay.
Anyway, so I got most of my shopping done, and I am still disappointed I had an unsuccessful trip to the Coach outlet! Oh well, can't always love what they have. Plus, I was shopping for presents, not for myself. So I guess, if I look at it that way it wasn't a failure afterall. I did buy myself a really cute pair of Julien & Friends anime' boy shorts- they are wicked! Bright green (borderline flourescent- but NOT ugly) and they have the monkey head & all sorts of cutesy characters, I love them. I wanted the tank to go with them, but they were out of it completely, and the long pajama pants were only available in a Large, and my bumm is big, but not THAT big (LOL). I also grabbed a bottle of "Tilt" I LOVE the way that smells! I typically only wear Victoria's Secret "Pure Seduction" but "Tilt" really smells great on me. I will put that in my stocking as well.
Saturday we spent the day watching movies. We watched "The Devil Wears Prada" OMG, I LOVED that movie!! Anne Hathaway is fuckin' cute in it! Then we watched "Material Girls" and the Duff sisters, well, the movie reminded me of a bad Saturday morning teenager show, which is what I think they were aiming for. I just found it to be silly & predictable. I love the 2 girls, they looked amazing, but the movie itself, not my favorite, that's a DVD that will surely collect dust on my shelf. Then we watched "Talladega Nights, The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" (not sure if that's spelled correctly) and we laughed our asses off. We are Nascar fans, so we really "got" the humor hidden beneath the humor. Our 2nd floor tenant said he hated it, that it was the dumbest thing he's ever seen, he said he didn't laugh at all, and while it was dumb (it was SUPPOSED to be!) we loved it. When we told him what we thought of it, he said he just didn't "get it" (how dumb do you have to be to not "get" that movie?LOL). Not everyone likes everything! That's what makes the world go 'round!
Sunday was Planetarium day! We went with my son's Cub Scout troop to see a movie on "Black Holes" it was wicked! The planetarium theaters are so cool, I forgot how awesome those shows can be! The theaters are set up so you feel as if you are amongst the planets & stars, my son had never been in 1, so he really loved it. Then they flew a space shuttle, and I took tons of pics. The kids had tons of fun. So did the adults, LOL.
Yesterday was back to the grind. I got served a summons to appear as a witness. I have NO CLUE as to what I saw that I am required to go to court. If I don't go a warrant will be issued. Bullshit. The cop scared the shit out of me, came to our house at 9PM and banged on the door as if he was gonna raid our home! My bf answered the door, he thought it was 1 of his buddies, you can imagine his face when he saw a cop, not a friend! Then, I hear him call me. He wants me??? I got so fucking scared, my heart was beating, I go outside, and the cop asks me if that's my name, I say yes, and then I say "what did I do? What is that for?" the cop answers, "it's a summons to go to court, and if you do not appear there will be a warrant issued for your arrest, and they will come here and pick you up for contempt of court" I say "ok" politely, when all I wanted to do scream. I took it & asked him, do I you know who it's for? He pointed to a name on th ebottom, and says "do you know her?" I do not. I have to call today to see wtf it is all about.
So- I have about 4 auctions to pack up, of course I don't have time to do it, but I NEED to get it done TONIGHT! No matter what- that needs to be taken care of. And that's why I havn't written!!! I haven't had time to scratch my ass! I will chat with ya'll lata!!!
I took off on Friday to get my shopping done (I scheduled it weeks ago, BEFORE I got sick). HA! What a joke that turned out to be! My gf picked me up at 9AM, we headed towards the outlets, the whole way I listened to her babble on & on & on about crap. I love her, but it it impossible to get a word in edge wise, but on that day it was ok, especially because my voice still sounded like a bad cellular connection. We got to the outlets, which is uisually a favorite destination for me. We went into Coach, and you know what? I left with a teeny tiney bag! The girls in Coach know me by name, I have 1 girl who I always give my commission to, she's awesome, plus she is HOT! But you know I am sick, or not feeling like myself, when I leave Coach with a small bag! I typically spend $1,500 each visit, so you can imagine Kat's (the sales girl) disappointment with my measley $100 sale. Some stocking stuffers, for MYSELF (LOL)... unfortunately my stocking would be empty if I did not put shit into it- my bf is not exactly Christmas friendly. He IS a ba-humbug. He hasn't surprised me with anything romantic, not even a little bit romantic, since our 1st Christmas together. I mean it's hard to top a $5,000 white gold & diamond necklace, but he can try, can't he? Oh well. If I want to romanced I'd be with another man. I opt for stability &
love, material shit I can buy for myself. It's his absolute unconditional love for me that beckons me to stay.
Anyway, so I got most of my shopping done, and I am still disappointed I had an unsuccessful trip to the Coach outlet! Oh well, can't always love what they have. Plus, I was shopping for presents, not for myself. So I guess, if I look at it that way it wasn't a failure afterall. I did buy myself a really cute pair of Julien & Friends anime' boy shorts- they are wicked! Bright green (borderline flourescent- but NOT ugly) and they have the monkey head & all sorts of cutesy characters, I love them. I wanted the tank to go with them, but they were out of it completely, and the long pajama pants were only available in a Large, and my bumm is big, but not THAT big (LOL). I also grabbed a bottle of "Tilt" I LOVE the way that smells! I typically only wear Victoria's Secret "Pure Seduction" but "Tilt" really smells great on me. I will put that in my stocking as well.
Saturday we spent the day watching movies. We watched "The Devil Wears Prada" OMG, I LOVED that movie!! Anne Hathaway is fuckin' cute in it! Then we watched "Material Girls" and the Duff sisters, well, the movie reminded me of a bad Saturday morning teenager show, which is what I think they were aiming for. I just found it to be silly & predictable. I love the 2 girls, they looked amazing, but the movie itself, not my favorite, that's a DVD that will surely collect dust on my shelf. Then we watched "Talladega Nights, The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" (not sure if that's spelled correctly) and we laughed our asses off. We are Nascar fans, so we really "got" the humor hidden beneath the humor. Our 2nd floor tenant said he hated it, that it was the dumbest thing he's ever seen, he said he didn't laugh at all, and while it was dumb (it was SUPPOSED to be!) we loved it. When we told him what we thought of it, he said he just didn't "get it" (how dumb do you have to be to not "get" that movie?LOL). Not everyone likes everything! That's what makes the world go 'round!
Sunday was Planetarium day! We went with my son's Cub Scout troop to see a movie on "Black Holes" it was wicked! The planetarium theaters are so cool, I forgot how awesome those shows can be! The theaters are set up so you feel as if you are amongst the planets & stars, my son had never been in 1, so he really loved it. Then they flew a space shuttle, and I took tons of pics. The kids had tons of fun. So did the adults, LOL.
Yesterday was back to the grind. I got served a summons to appear as a witness. I have NO CLUE as to what I saw that I am required to go to court. If I don't go a warrant will be issued. Bullshit. The cop scared the shit out of me, came to our house at 9PM and banged on the door as if he was gonna raid our home! My bf answered the door, he thought it was 1 of his buddies, you can imagine his face when he saw a cop, not a friend! Then, I hear him call me. He wants me??? I got so fucking scared, my heart was beating, I go outside, and the cop asks me if that's my name, I say yes, and then I say "what did I do? What is that for?" the cop answers, "it's a summons to go to court, and if you do not appear there will be a warrant issued for your arrest, and they will come here and pick you up for contempt of court" I say "ok" politely, when all I wanted to do scream. I took it & asked him, do I you know who it's for? He pointed to a name on th ebottom, and says "do you know her?" I do not. I have to call today to see wtf it is all about.
So- I have about 4 auctions to pack up, of course I don't have time to do it, but I NEED to get it done TONIGHT! No matter what- that needs to be taken care of. And that's why I havn't written!!! I haven't had time to scratch my ass! I will chat with ya'll lata!!!

I would have to been scared to open the door. I am a chicken
So what was the summons all about? Did you get that taken care of? That does sound scary.