Angeluca made some great points when she critiqued my set. The funny thing is, with my set, my boyfriend IS a reknowned photographer, but I was anxious, and we used a digital camera instead of his "REAL" camera's. Despite his saying through the entire shoot, "I wish I was using a different camera" I should have listened to his gut. Another thing, we went through the specifications in the submitting a set portion of the application where it says "NOT TO PHOTOSHOP" the images. So, despite his experience with photography, we submitted raw images, untouched, uncropped, and it is what we thought they wanted. The entire time he kept saying, "I can't believe they want the images untouched" I should have trusted MY gut and let him do his thing, we should have used 1 of his 15+ cameras he has, should have put the set together in a different manner. Oh well, shoulda, woulda, coulda, it was a lesson learned. Trust me, when the 3 months is up, and I submit another set- it WILL be much different, and I WILL listen to the expert. LOL.
I now know what not to do, and what NOT to do (LOL), so next time will be much different. I have some really neat ideas for the next set- and instead of ME doing it, I WILL let him do it. My problem is a control issue, I need to be in control, things need to be done MY WAY- experience has taught me that MY WAY is NOT always the right way- OBVIOUSLY, my set is case in point! ha ha. All things considered, my next attempt will be successful (I hope, LOL). 1 of my SG buddies made note that I am not bitter- OF COURSE I AM NOT BITTER! Why would I be? My set was not up to par, and I needed to find out the hard way. Rejection sucks, but here's the thing, the reason why it was rejected was NOT due to my lack of beauty, it was the set and the context to which I was a part of. It was all wrong, and in life you live & you learn, and try try again! I've had worse things happen, being bitter about having my set rejected is stupid. MANY SG's were rejected on their 1st attempt. I know that I am beautiful, and I am not going to change my point of view about myself just because my set wasn't what they needed at this time. I cannot be angry either, angry at whom? Rigel? Nah.... she is just doing her job! I can't get angry, I am not an angry person, there are many more important things, and in life I pick my battles. I never waste time on anger.
I learned a long time ago when I was in art school, I learned how to take criticism as constructive advice. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, what you do with their opinion is what makes a difference. My drawing professor once told me that art is never right or wrong, and 1 person can never tell another how to create. Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in life their will ALWAYS be somebody who does NOT like you, who does NOT think you are beautiful (even though EVERYONE is beautiful in their own way), and who thinks that they can do something better than you. Just remember that there is also a person out there who feels that way about them too. Take solice in the fact that nobody is perfect- and that only God can judge.
So, now I spend the next 3 months really planning, and working and then I submit a set that will knock them off their chairs! Live & learn! I'll write more later. I am sick as a dog, head/chest cold, and cramps to top it off- YUCK. Sometimes being a woman sucks ass.
Lata ya'll- thank you, thank you, for your compliments & your critiques. I appreciate them ALL!
I now know what not to do, and what NOT to do (LOL), so next time will be much different. I have some really neat ideas for the next set- and instead of ME doing it, I WILL let him do it. My problem is a control issue, I need to be in control, things need to be done MY WAY- experience has taught me that MY WAY is NOT always the right way- OBVIOUSLY, my set is case in point! ha ha. All things considered, my next attempt will be successful (I hope, LOL). 1 of my SG buddies made note that I am not bitter- OF COURSE I AM NOT BITTER! Why would I be? My set was not up to par, and I needed to find out the hard way. Rejection sucks, but here's the thing, the reason why it was rejected was NOT due to my lack of beauty, it was the set and the context to which I was a part of. It was all wrong, and in life you live & you learn, and try try again! I've had worse things happen, being bitter about having my set rejected is stupid. MANY SG's were rejected on their 1st attempt. I know that I am beautiful, and I am not going to change my point of view about myself just because my set wasn't what they needed at this time. I cannot be angry either, angry at whom? Rigel? Nah.... she is just doing her job! I can't get angry, I am not an angry person, there are many more important things, and in life I pick my battles. I never waste time on anger.
I learned a long time ago when I was in art school, I learned how to take criticism as constructive advice. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, what you do with their opinion is what makes a difference. My drawing professor once told me that art is never right or wrong, and 1 person can never tell another how to create. Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in life their will ALWAYS be somebody who does NOT like you, who does NOT think you are beautiful (even though EVERYONE is beautiful in their own way), and who thinks that they can do something better than you. Just remember that there is also a person out there who feels that way about them too. Take solice in the fact that nobody is perfect- and that only God can judge.
So, now I spend the next 3 months really planning, and working and then I submit a set that will knock them off their chairs! Live & learn! I'll write more later. I am sick as a dog, head/chest cold, and cramps to top it off- YUCK. Sometimes being a woman sucks ass.
Lata ya'll- thank you, thank you, for your compliments & your critiques. I appreciate them ALL!