Sunday Mar 09, 2003 Mar 9, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email Ergh, My credit card is over it's limit so I can't afford to renew my membership. *sniff* I'll try and pay it off this week, but if I don't, and I disappear... it won't be long before I am back. *fingers crossed* VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS 60ftqueenie: ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooo dont leave! we'll start a collection Mar 10, 2003 maybe1day21180: oh no... being poor is no good. unless you believe some people, in which case it is the best thing ever. being poor = no sg, so i am leaning towards the first evaluation. hope things work out ok! Mar 10, 2003
being poor = no sg, so i am leaning towards the first evaluation.
hope things work out ok!