so yeah...y'all are the first to know this...but i might be moving out sooner than i had thought. see...this girl at work (now a pretty good friend) and her friend were set to move out..they found a house to rent and everything...well my friend's friend got layed they can't move right away...well, they were/are going to wait a couple months...well i told my friend that i was looking to move out pretty much as soon as possible...well..she says that it's a three bedroom house for like 620 a month...water included..electric not. not with electric, cable (internet and tv), and'll pan out to about 300/350 per person per month (which happens to be about 1 week's pay) ...which is way cheaper than i'd ever hope to pay for a halfway decent yeah...i told her to keep in touch and let me know and i'd let her know...but this might just work out. i don't have to worry about health or dental insurance when i move out..cuz i got hired in and i started up the yeah...i'm actually really hoping this works out..cuz this could be fun...i really need to leave the area..but moving out is a start...wish me luck everyone. 

thanks, me too