how about a photo entry! id dont think ive ever had one, so here goes nothing.
today i was driving home from work in my moms car, since mine is in the shop, i decided to open the moonroof, and blare minor threat. ahhh luxury.
there was a bit of shade, but mostly bright out.
note the corn and barns, i live in pretty lame area of indiana
i drive for maybe 20 minutes each night, and the only scenery is corn
towards the end of my journey i finally reach houses! hooray for no more country driving.
these pictures all pretty much look the same, but, i was driving, but damn does my phone take some good pictures, i had to resize those pics quite a bit to make them small enough.
can you tell im actually in a good mood?
today i was driving home from work in my moms car, since mine is in the shop, i decided to open the moonroof, and blare minor threat. ahhh luxury.

these pictures all pretty much look the same, but, i was driving, but damn does my phone take some good pictures, i had to resize those pics quite a bit to make them small enough.
can you tell im actually in a good mood?

But you should have cut your hair like you like it, despite what people say.