so last night my exchange students only good friend was killed in a car accident. and i feel really weird about it. the kid was kind of a dildo, he was really nice and all but he just tried way to hard to impress me and others. and it made me realize.... i am a dick. i didnt even give him a chance really, i just thought he was really nice, but annoying too. i had to see his car though... because for some reason ever since i found out, ive been haunted. i just keep picturing what was going thru his mind, and the terror he must have felt in those last few seconds of his life. and i drove by the junk yard to see his car, and you cant even tell it was a car. the top is all ripped up and mangled and it is just horrific looking. i just wish i would have been more social with the kid. you know, i think he was really my exchange students ONLY friend. so i feel bad for him even thought i cant stand him.
i suggest some kind of bruschetta, or maybe some hummus...
although there are also the sweet snacks like chocolate covered almonds, and fruit......
now i`m hungry. must eat fooooood.