also, if i havent been commenting, please dont hold it against me, ive been super busy lately. also ive been super stressed.
my parents got this german exchange student. but the kid is a little fucker. im on to him. the other night he got into a fight with his girlfriend over the phone, so they talked for 5 hours. then in the morning he faked being sick. so he could talk to her more. every time i pick up the phone i hear german. i knew he wasnt sick though. he just wanted to skip school and talk to his girlfriend. grrrr. plus he wont even open the door for me when i get locked out, he just ignores me while our 2 dogs bark and go ape shit. stupid eurokid. i am now watching him like a hawk.
plus in my class we started drawing nudes. dont care for it much since i had a class with the model and all he does his talk about his penis. and on top of that im not getting any sleep so work is hell.
I'm such a bitch.
my deutsch skills sind rusty.