"ill be what i am, solitary man."
it is thundering outside. tornado weather even. i really like storms. i especially like trying to walk in one, because the wind blows me over.
this week has been a bit boring. its been the week of metal. ive been listening to so many cheesy 80s bands like WASP, twisted sister, helloween, dio, dokken, krokus, and quiet riot. nothing brightens my day like high pitched screaming and cheesy guitar riffs.
i still havent gotten the results from my blood work yet, so im nervously anticipating that. i hope everything comes back negative. thanks to everyone who left nice comments. im just hoping i dont freak out on thursday when i have to go. because the doctor makes me crazy nervous. i just get super stressed by the whole atmosphere.
i kinda want to see a movie this week, but im broke. i saw troy last weekend and it was marvelous. i actually have had a lot ive wanted to get done this week, but i just havent been able to motivate myself into doing anything. ive sitting on my ass watching big top pee wee all day today. oh well todays pay day, so ill be happy, and i might just get to see a movie.
random thought: GlassHeart is rad, she's super nice, so everyone should go tell her how cool she is.
song of the moment: i want out by helloween
it is thundering outside. tornado weather even. i really like storms. i especially like trying to walk in one, because the wind blows me over.
this week has been a bit boring. its been the week of metal. ive been listening to so many cheesy 80s bands like WASP, twisted sister, helloween, dio, dokken, krokus, and quiet riot. nothing brightens my day like high pitched screaming and cheesy guitar riffs.
i still havent gotten the results from my blood work yet, so im nervously anticipating that. i hope everything comes back negative. thanks to everyone who left nice comments. im just hoping i dont freak out on thursday when i have to go. because the doctor makes me crazy nervous. i just get super stressed by the whole atmosphere.
i kinda want to see a movie this week, but im broke. i saw troy last weekend and it was marvelous. i actually have had a lot ive wanted to get done this week, but i just havent been able to motivate myself into doing anything. ive sitting on my ass watching big top pee wee all day today. oh well todays pay day, so ill be happy, and i might just get to see a movie.
random thought: GlassHeart is rad, she's super nice, so everyone should go tell her how cool she is.
song of the moment: i want out by helloween

yay I finally got into my new appartment. do I have your address already? I might have miss placed it. Send it to me again plz.

Hey I wrote you a letter, but I missed the mailman today I will send it tomorrow!