this week has really sucked for me. so if i havent made comments in your journal you know why. ive been visiting the doctor this week, well on wednesday. there is something about doctors appointments that make me uncomfortable. i just dont like it. and while there i find out that he wants to test me for anemia, diabetes/hypoglycemia, arthitis, and renauds syndrome (i probably fucked the spelling, but its when the tiny blood vessels in your hands and feet dont work, so they are always cold and discolored, like purpleish)and i may have to get some x-rays. but yeah, learning all that didnt really help calm my nerves. then i go to taco bell and lock my keys in my car, so i walk 15 blocks south to my grandparents house only to remember they wouldnt be home all week during the day. so i had to call my mom and have her get ahold of my grandparents and have them get my spare keys. i was 45 mins from anyways because my doctor is in the next town north. so i had to break into their back yard and wait.... for 2 and a half hours in the 90 degree weather wearing a black tshirt and brown pants. so i was a nasty sweaty, thirsty, hungry, stress out mess and i was an hour and a half late to work. i kinda hope my health is ok... i have to take the 8-10 test in a few hours. and i hate doctors and shots, so i dont think im gonna like bloodwork. and it will be 2 weeks before i find out the results. god, im so fucking jittery and nervous.
on a lighter note, i went to applebees tonight with some friends. it was fun, our waitress was super cool, and she actually had conversations with us, and hooked my friend up with another girl who worked there. so i made sure i tipped her well, because some many people who wait tables act like they dont give a shit. then we went to see troy. i liked it a lot, nothing like a good old epic. plus the illiad was pretty rad when i had to read parts of it in 7th grade. it was a long movie, didnt seem like it was 170 minutes or whatever, but it was.
random thought: i really hate the doctor and anything associated with him
song of the moment: looking for clues by robert palmer
on a lighter note, i went to applebees tonight with some friends. it was fun, our waitress was super cool, and she actually had conversations with us, and hooked my friend up with another girl who worked there. so i made sure i tipped her well, because some many people who wait tables act like they dont give a shit. then we went to see troy. i liked it a lot, nothing like a good old epic. plus the illiad was pretty rad when i had to read parts of it in 7th grade. it was a long movie, didnt seem like it was 170 minutes or whatever, but it was.
random thought: i really hate the doctor and anything associated with him

song of the moment: looking for clues by robert palmer

Troy was good wasn't it.
they make me super nervous. always.