Attn: Bay area SGers! I'm in desperate need for a model tomorrow at my salon to do a kick ass blowdry on. I had someone all lined up but she just canceled on me. I would be ever so grateful to anyone willing to do me this favor. It should just be a couple of hours at 11 A.M. or 1 P.M. and the model needs to have shoulder length hair or longer. Please please please consider or recommend someone that might be willing. The salon is called Artbeat Salon & Gallery and it's at 1880 Solano Ave, Berkeley.
Also, I'll be taking clients on Tuesdays and my focus changes each week. This week I'm doing blowdrys (which is super easy) and after that I'll be focusing on one length round, square, & triangle cuts, to be specific. Then I'll do graduations and layers after that. I already know how to do all of these but the salon wants to instruct me on how they prefer to do it.
Thanks in advance and don't forget to vote tomorrow!

Also, I'll be taking clients on Tuesdays and my focus changes each week. This week I'm doing blowdrys (which is super easy) and after that I'll be focusing on one length round, square, & triangle cuts, to be specific. Then I'll do graduations and layers after that. I already know how to do all of these but the salon wants to instruct me on how they prefer to do it.
Thanks in advance and don't forget to vote tomorrow!

Again, Thanks a million and I look forward to seeing you all sooner than later.