I didn't have a stable male role model to show me the alpha side of masculinity when i was growing up, so I ended up making my own conclusions on what it meant to be a man. Icons like James Bond, James Dean and Ferris Bueller appealed to me because they had style, passion and charisma that made them desirable because they where the exceptions to the rule and not the standard ideal. If I had been in high-school in the 80's instead of the 90's my life would have been way easier and my fashion sense would have been better understood. My friends always told me that I was like Duckie Dale from Pretty in Pink. Looking back, they were totally right. I was born a decade too late.
On the up side, I was and always have been the exception to the rule.

On the up side, I was and always have been the exception to the rule.
I only wish I had given as little of a shit about "fitting in" and all that nonsense back then, as I do now. Oh yeah, I pretended to not care, but I did.
Funny, I'm more of an angsty rebel now then I was then (and i wasn't all that friendly back then either!)
I know exactly how you feel though. I always wish my adolescent years were lived out in the 80s because I think I would have fit in better in that era. Maybe it's because my mom insisted on making ALL of my clothes for me up until middle school - and so I always looked like the hippest kid from the 80s, which wasnt so rad in the 90s, or because I actually thought I was cool for dressing that way. Heh.
I think people like you and I are better off for having been born in the wrong decade, mostly because we're mentally 10 years ahead of our peers.