Today is six months precisely since I recieved my MD papers
I was recently chatting with my friend Paul about a certain female acquaintance of mine. I showed him a picture and his comment made me cry laughing
"She's fine dude, I'd come on here wherever she wanted"

I'm sorry it's so crass I really am but I had to share it.
It is clearly deserved.
I just hobbled a mile and a half to my polling station and back again.
There were three people in the polling hall with me and they were the Election Monitors.
What's wrong with you people: Donn't you understand that this election is important. Vote for crying out loud.
If you do not exercise your right to vote you have no right to criticize the...
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So what's your story, then? Do you have some lost love a remote corner of the world, keeping your heart on a string?
I'm not sure. I'll let you know in a few days.
My foot is broken
I mean utterly fucked
expect me to be on here a lot
Bummer about your foot.
But isn't the point of activism to try to change social phenomena which you think oppress people? I realize that there are absolutely people in our society who choose to abide by traditional views of sex and marriage. And I fully support those who do so of their own volition. I am all for people expressing their sexuality in whatever way they see fit (including abstinence). But parents who teach their children that sex is bad, and therefore they shouldn't participate in it, do not equip them to make informed decisions that deviate from celibacy. Therefore, their children make stupid decions (to not use protection, sleep with people who are abusive, etc), because they are not equipped with the knowledge to explore their sexuality safely. This sort of ignorance strikes me as being a nearly universal social problem. I think it would be wrong of me to not express my distaste for such folly.
For how else does the world change, but by people asserting their ideas that things could be better?
Well then. . . we appear to have misunderstood each other. I have no qualms about marriage or monogamy. I don't imagine they're for everybody, but I am certainly not opposed to them. . .
So there you have it. ARRR!!!
One of the perils of being me is that I spend far too much time on the interwebby. I put it down to an insatiable need for information but it's probably just 'cause I'm a mouse potato. I live in a dead end nowheresville in the English Midlands. The BNP national headquarters is about a half mile from my home. The nearest "alternative" bar is...
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'these "Arcane" ideas still have a place in this world and if you disregard them out of hand you will make yourself just as intolerant at those you rail against.'

I'm sorry, explain to me how the acceptance of sexual repression, consequent ignorance about the risks of sexual behaviour, and therefore a slew of social and health problems is a valid stance to take on sexuality??
I never said sexual repression had a place. I said marriage and chastity and other such ideas still have a aplace for those that wish to embrace them. My point is that the religious repressives are trying to foist their limited morality on everyone else This is wrong but at the same time it would be just as indefensible for liberals like us to attempt to force our morality on other people.
I'm not sure I'm articulating this very well but I hope the basic idea comes across.