These are fucking cool. I think I shall attempt to knit myself a pair... if I can ever finish the damn scarf I started in the winter....
Cat and I went to the vet last night where she got her ears cleaned out and got her final shots. In a month or so we get to remove her ovaries and uterus. While I feel kinda bad about that, logically there are benefits to both her and myself. Merh...
Anyway, I got a neat new phone. I can now moblog with it. w00t. Check out my site to read more about it (and see pictures of my kittie!)
Cat and I went to the vet last night where she got her ears cleaned out and got her final shots. In a month or so we get to remove her ovaries and uterus. While I feel kinda bad about that, logically there are benefits to both her and myself. Merh...
Anyway, I got a neat new phone. I can now moblog with it. w00t. Check out my site to read more about it (and see pictures of my kittie!)
thanks 4 the comment on the set!!....the link wont work on my comp..sigh now i dont know wot u want 2 knit!!!...well atleast i know its a scarf haha...hmmm n i didnt know i looked shy in some of the pics...hmmmm anywayy hope summer is treatin u well