So Leonard was amazing... but no signings. Only pre-signed books that were probably scrawled by some pimply teenager in the backroom. Lame.
I brought my original 1969 vinyl. And a copy of Energy of Slaves.
Anyway, BarCampTdot was pretty fun. Learned about Asterix, talked about blogging for your business, and met a lot of awesome people. I might go tomorrow and lead a presentation on a few ideas I have running around my head. Catch the action on my blog --
I brought my original 1969 vinyl. And a copy of Energy of Slaves.
Anyway, BarCampTdot was pretty fun. Learned about Asterix, talked about blogging for your business, and met a lot of awesome people. I might go tomorrow and lead a presentation on a few ideas I have running around my head. Catch the action on my blog --
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