Have mercy on me!
This week has been very taxing on me. I have been literally run into the ground at work. I nearly exploded this morning at an email from my boss. I just about had it.
Every day has been an excercise in the absolute MUNDANE. I've been cutting my teeth on the worst part of web development -- infinitesmally small details. Particularly, the details I can't give two freaking shits about. I'm a programmer. A developer. An engineer. Not a copy editor. I don't get off finding misplaced capitals and subjective colour issues. It's just not my strong-suit.
But list after list of requests for these sorts of changes come in. I get told I'm not paying attention to detail. I get put on the spot. All but directly insulted.
And after I had saved up such a laundry list of arguments to boil over and start something... my boss walks into my office. I had saved it up all day and when he walked in -- nothing! We talked about it. We resolved it. And even despite is thinly (if unaware) insulting attitude, he even clarified that it was never my abilities as a professional in question.
We just discovered that I'm not suited for such tasks. (go figure).
So while I am still strongly considering branching away from this company and moving either to another one or my own... I feel relieved. For a while there I thought he was passive-aggressively insulting and belittling me at every opportunity.
Either way -- all of this crap has left me exhausted each night. Pretty much too exhausted to engage in any of my real passions... which tires me out further and makes me wanna hit my head with a big brick.
I'm a hacker. I need to feed my passions lest I go crazy. Even if it is just the passion of the week. Mundane wears me out way faster than running a marathon.
This week has been very taxing on me. I have been literally run into the ground at work. I nearly exploded this morning at an email from my boss. I just about had it.
Every day has been an excercise in the absolute MUNDANE. I've been cutting my teeth on the worst part of web development -- infinitesmally small details. Particularly, the details I can't give two freaking shits about. I'm a programmer. A developer. An engineer. Not a copy editor. I don't get off finding misplaced capitals and subjective colour issues. It's just not my strong-suit.
But list after list of requests for these sorts of changes come in. I get told I'm not paying attention to detail. I get put on the spot. All but directly insulted.
And after I had saved up such a laundry list of arguments to boil over and start something... my boss walks into my office. I had saved it up all day and when he walked in -- nothing! We talked about it. We resolved it. And even despite is thinly (if unaware) insulting attitude, he even clarified that it was never my abilities as a professional in question.
We just discovered that I'm not suited for such tasks. (go figure).
So while I am still strongly considering branching away from this company and moving either to another one or my own... I feel relieved. For a while there I thought he was passive-aggressively insulting and belittling me at every opportunity.
Either way -- all of this crap has left me exhausted each night. Pretty much too exhausted to engage in any of my real passions... which tires me out further and makes me wanna hit my head with a big brick.
I'm a hacker. I need to feed my passions lest I go crazy. Even if it is just the passion of the week. Mundane wears me out way faster than running a marathon.