I may just burn the next christmas decoration I see.
To sum it up lightly -- my holidays have been shit up until tonight.
I don't want to go on some self-interested tirade about how fucked up my family is, but imagine your mother high on pain killers for 2 and a half hours in a car crying because your sister failed to show up for xmas... thereby ruining everything.
And all the while you're being fed meat at every meal.
To make up for it all, I did get some nice presents. New oil pastels, some canvas, water colours, and a new easel. I've further indulged and splurged on an acoustic guitar that I've been longing for months.
.. and I've been playing it all night.
Well that was my holidays so far... looking forward to the New Year. It better be fucking better than 05.
Did you get any presents?
To sum it up lightly -- my holidays have been shit up until tonight.
I don't want to go on some self-interested tirade about how fucked up my family is, but imagine your mother high on pain killers for 2 and a half hours in a car crying because your sister failed to show up for xmas... thereby ruining everything.
And all the while you're being fed meat at every meal.
To make up for it all, I did get some nice presents. New oil pastels, some canvas, water colours, and a new easel. I've further indulged and splurged on an acoustic guitar that I've been longing for months.
.. and I've been playing it all night.
Well that was my holidays so far... looking forward to the New Year. It better be fucking better than 05.
Did you get any presents?
good to hear my family isnt the only fucked up one. i hope 05 is better for me too