Well I've been recording the bed tracks for the songs myself, hoping that there'll be enough time to get all of these done by either the 25th or by the New Year... though I'm kinda feeling like they'll be pushed back till the New Year. Maybe they'll never come out. I dunno.
I hope they do -- I've been really excited about them. Which is rare for me considering how much outward self-loathing I have without even mentioning all the pent-up stuff. In fewer words: I end up hating everything I create.
Anyway -- I'm beat and tomorrow is the good ol' xmas party with the co-workers. Catered thai and free booze!
I hope they do -- I've been really excited about them. Which is rare for me considering how much outward self-loathing I have without even mentioning all the pent-up stuff. In fewer words: I end up hating everything I create.
Anyway -- I'm beat and tomorrow is the good ol' xmas party with the co-workers. Catered thai and free booze!