I absolutely love Pandora! I have tonnes of stations already going. Ir'a auper-fun.
On a more grim note, I've been buying alcohol about as regularly as I do groceries (if not more often) lately. And while it's not excessive, I do find myself having a drink or two (somtimes 3! gasp!) all to myself every night.
And whle addiction / dependence is gross and I'm not really a fan of it, I don't even now fully understand my compulsion. My logic is fighting some other force in me and all I want is a happy medium.
I feel more relaxed and open, even when I'm just holding a drink. Just knowing it's there. Smelling it is almost arousing. And of course drinking it is pure ecstacy.
Thing is I never really used to do this very often, and now the balance is tipping in favour of the drink and I don't know what to do to bring myself back.
I dunno... maybe I can find happiness being a lush.
I just hope my liver will agree when I'm older.
On a more grim note, I've been buying alcohol about as regularly as I do groceries (if not more often) lately. And while it's not excessive, I do find myself having a drink or two (somtimes 3! gasp!) all to myself every night.
And whle addiction / dependence is gross and I'm not really a fan of it, I don't even now fully understand my compulsion. My logic is fighting some other force in me and all I want is a happy medium.
I feel more relaxed and open, even when I'm just holding a drink. Just knowing it's there. Smelling it is almost arousing. And of course drinking it is pure ecstacy.
Thing is I never really used to do this very often, and now the balance is tipping in favour of the drink and I don't know what to do to bring myself back.
I dunno... maybe I can find happiness being a lush.
I just hope my liver will agree when I'm older.