The kittie concert fucking rocked, I got to meet the band!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wish i was there to see it with you....damn
okay, i hate kittie, but you are so cute I forgive you.
Thanks to you PHAEDRA for the lovely advice, I think it was the line "I'll call you when i'm ready to be your friend" that truly worked. I think as a girl maybe you just know what hits the nerves best, I dont' know but thanks. She's off my tail, maybe for a loooong while. I hope so, Fuck it though, if not i'll change...
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I often wonder why people around here wear shirts with surfboards on them. There isn't an ocean for 500 miles. I don't get it.
I've decided to use this journal (like so many others before me) as a public vent of my frustrations. I don't understand women. I don't think that it's truly possible to. My ex girlfriend Erin broke up with me in march...
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it s all crook bitch
scattering like
dark green dumpsters full of grease behind:
y'all there
getting back at it, go back to
it, being mean to her
till ya quit like a bad neighborhood
where its fun to get high
it sounds like you just need to be a little more firm about "i'll call you when i'm over you and ready to be friends." if she doesn't respect that, you might need to take a bit more drastic action like caller id or even changing your phone number . . . it would probably be best for her too if she didn't see you for a while, i've found that that's the only real way to get over people - time without them. good luck with everything.

then again, you could just say you're having an online cyber relationship with me. biggrin *drool*
yes yes yes, thanks to everyone who noticed my birthday, i'm currently recovering from my birthday "party", more like a roast if you ask me. Almost everyone I know came and cracked a few jokes about me. At least the waitress was entertained, HA!!! I've been 21 for 4 days now and going strong. Still haven't gotten drunk, don't plan to. Anyone out there know...
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btw, I hope everyone likes my new pic
Turning 21 is probably the best age to turn...I mean when else can you get free drinks anywhere you go smile
Oh and by the way Happy Late huh smile and the pic rocks
AAAAAHHH I'm pissed off. I never get into fights, I HATE to fight but last night I had to. I'm so pissed off i'm probably going to make tons of sytax errors here but who fucking cares. I hope that little shit Michael feels good now after I beat the fuck out of him. First of all, my best friend is a girl, a great...
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Ahh another lonely night in a writer's humble abode. Jeezus I think I'm really losing it again. I try not to stress too much about the opposite sex but I swear to god i've never seen such a hot punk girl in my life as I did yesterday. Me and me best pals were hanging at this skate shop in Atlanta called NC-17, this girl...
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Don't waste time with that number. Do you want to live life with a series of "if only" stories and go nowhere memories? Shit, what's the worst that can happen? She says she doesn't want to know you and you're back where you were before you met her...only with a severe inferiority complex?
Alice, you fucking rock!! Way more than my kitty picture. !
Journal Entry #1.
Well since I have nothing better to do than pretend that someone's interested enough to read everything I do, I thought since it's 2:30 in the morning i'd get some writing done. I've been actively writing a book for months now, working as a gymnastics coach to pay the bills. Natalie Portman won't return any of my phone calls so I'm forced...
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I want to learn how to do neat shit on the balance beam.. teach me?
