My mother once told me a damsel in distress, is usually a distressed damsel. Quite true. But what if Prince Charming, or the Knight in Shining Armor, is the distressed one? I doubt that Cinderella ever had problems with relationships. Twisty and quirky, life winds down to meet you at a very inopportune time. Why did it not wait until I was ready? Fathomless, deep and dark. The mind of a child knows only to learn lessons that will be essential to them through life, only to forget them later in life. America holds to some strange beliefs. We are told that we are a free people. Free to do what? you ask. Speak, feel and act the way we want. Good idea.. What I would like to know is if a person is making commitments to another, and that other deems them not important, they are free to walk away? But what so many do not understand is common decency. If a man leaves a woman, she is expected to cry. If a woman leaves a man, thats the best time to get another. Ah..rules. But we are free! Another would be men dont cry. If we do, we are not truly men. So, where does it come from? To use another quote: We are a generation of men raised by women. What Id like to know, is another woman really what we need?.
Sometimes I find myself looking at a passing skirt, not really wondering whats up it, but more what type it is. The way a person looks is not always how they think. The more and more I talk to people, the less I feel like talking. All of our free rights have turned into the whoring of our culture. I strive to meet that somebody. To have, hold, wed and bed. But I cant. Shaking, shifting, tremors of doubt and pain from too many knives to the heart. Love and hate, hand in hand. The sweet sting of sympathy from everyone who doesnt know. Once that I start to believe that it is normal for these occurrences like this to happen, and become one of the mongrels who seem to have only one thought, I become sick. Whatever happened to that beautiful 1950s fantasy? The Atomic Family was snuffed out with the Cold War. Peace? Prosperity? Ill take it. But, go ahead and leave out the prejudiced press, the bleeding heart jackals, and all those idiots that have abused the system to the point of extermination of free enterprise. Mom and Pop shop can stay, doing the things that made us great. Love cant exist in conditions such as these. So, love has become a game, not a goal. One night fucks, date rape and the likes of other drugs and alcohol have stagnated the sweetness of sex for all those who have learned the lesson of risky behavior. I gurantee that all those people will be preaching abstinence to my children. Apparently, we now have to classify. What was once heartburn, is now Acid Reflux Disease. Why cant it just be heartburn? Becaause people need a reason. What was once just a drinking problem, is now Alcoholism. For some, this is legitimate. But, dont try and tell me that because my 4th great uncle was an alcoholic, and I havent ever had a drink, that I too am an alcoholic. I know why I drink. I cant stop, because now Im accepted. The guy next to me knows reasons of his own. You want to know? Sit for a while, Ill buy ya one, and we can talk about it over a drink.
Sometimes I find myself looking at a passing skirt, not really wondering whats up it, but more what type it is. The way a person looks is not always how they think. The more and more I talk to people, the less I feel like talking. All of our free rights have turned into the whoring of our culture. I strive to meet that somebody. To have, hold, wed and bed. But I cant. Shaking, shifting, tremors of doubt and pain from too many knives to the heart. Love and hate, hand in hand. The sweet sting of sympathy from everyone who doesnt know. Once that I start to believe that it is normal for these occurrences like this to happen, and become one of the mongrels who seem to have only one thought, I become sick. Whatever happened to that beautiful 1950s fantasy? The Atomic Family was snuffed out with the Cold War. Peace? Prosperity? Ill take it. But, go ahead and leave out the prejudiced press, the bleeding heart jackals, and all those idiots that have abused the system to the point of extermination of free enterprise. Mom and Pop shop can stay, doing the things that made us great. Love cant exist in conditions such as these. So, love has become a game, not a goal. One night fucks, date rape and the likes of other drugs and alcohol have stagnated the sweetness of sex for all those who have learned the lesson of risky behavior. I gurantee that all those people will be preaching abstinence to my children. Apparently, we now have to classify. What was once heartburn, is now Acid Reflux Disease. Why cant it just be heartburn? Becaause people need a reason. What was once just a drinking problem, is now Alcoholism. For some, this is legitimate. But, dont try and tell me that because my 4th great uncle was an alcoholic, and I havent ever had a drink, that I too am an alcoholic. I know why I drink. I cant stop, because now Im accepted. The guy next to me knows reasons of his own. You want to know? Sit for a while, Ill buy ya one, and we can talk about it over a drink.
real men cry
i have tremors of doubt and pain from too many knives to the heart too.
always expecting to be stabbed one more time
its a scary thing.