Comedy, went out last night which was great, makes a change to sitting in my apartment feeling lonleyful, found it hard moving down to london and leaving my friends and family behind ... slowly meeting new people and having a laugh which is coool .. though im well gutted i cant remember the name of the comedian i saw ... sucks ... but my mates...
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It snowed! It was awesome! I dont have the cable thingy for my old phone to upload snowy pictures =[ but I made snow spiders ... they were awesome tooo .. not to scary, more snowy really ...
I love snow ...
Peace <3x
It snowed! It was awesome! I dont have the cable thingy for my old phone to upload snowy pictures =[ but I made snow spiders ... they were awesome tooo .. not to scary, more snowy really ...
I love snow ...
Peace <3x
Hello! I'm good ta! Working working working...
Hows you?
Kat xxx
Hows you?
Kat xxx
no need to thank!
im annoyed with my internet connection and photoshop, bad mood. grr

no need to thank!
im annoyed with my internet connection and photoshop, bad mood. grr
Hmmmm much better day at work today =] apart from feeling a tad illsome but I think i may have been over worked! Im kinda liking this blog thing thats going on, though im sure just to write bounds and bounds of meaningless drivel ... also liking the site more :] there are some funky people who are coool to talk to and not too...
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superdrug. that sounds ridiculous as a company.
um, best bands i've seen? i really enjoy going to Jason Webley shows . . . he's a local musician who's crazy and a great performer. but i also really like the Dresden Dolls and Decemberists . . . I dunno, i go to a fair amount of shows so it's hard to say. OOH . . . The Violent Femmes were amazing live! hehe
guitar and bass? that's awesome. are you in a band or just enjoy playing? what is your fav. kind of music? to play? to listen to?
aww everyone loves penguins these days . . . it makes me want to set them on fire haha.
squirls are cool though....
hehe brazil would be amazing and sexxxxxxy . . . i dunno, but i always think of it as spicysexy as a place to visit haha
i want to go to italy and eat. a lot.
um, best bands i've seen? i really enjoy going to Jason Webley shows . . . he's a local musician who's crazy and a great performer. but i also really like the Dresden Dolls and Decemberists . . . I dunno, i go to a fair amount of shows so it's hard to say. OOH . . . The Violent Femmes were amazing live! hehe
guitar and bass? that's awesome. are you in a band or just enjoy playing? what is your fav. kind of music? to play? to listen to?
aww everyone loves penguins these days . . . it makes me want to set them on fire haha.
squirls are cool though....

hehe brazil would be amazing and sexxxxxxy . . . i dunno, but i always think of it as spicysexy as a place to visit haha
i want to go to italy and eat. a lot.

I still go crabbing. It's awesome... we've met some amazing crabs. We always name them, and discovered they enjoy dancing to missy Elliot.
Anyway, crabbing is all felixstowe has to offer.
Anyway, crabbing is all felixstowe has to offer.
Rawrrr, rather naff day at work yesterday so not really looking forward to going in today. Bosses boss is just a muppet -.- i dinnae like him, and then i didnt get my new flat =[ well thats a lie, i got it, then got told i couldnt have it. Sooooooooooo not the greatest start to the week,
I am sure its all up up...
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I am sure its all up up...
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i am going to school for graphic design.
where do you work?
and good luck with your search for a new place.
something random about me? um, why is that question so hard? haha
well, i like to go see live music as much as a i can afford.
what's something random about you?
where do you work?
and good luck with your search for a new place.

something random about me? um, why is that question so hard? haha
well, i like to go see live music as much as a i can afford.
what's something random about you?
Ooooo blog, funky shizzle, infact that reminds me, i found Escape the Blob the board game! under my old bed, good god that is such an ace game. Thought i wonder if anyone else ever owned a version hehe x
you're welcome. i like odd people so that's good.
i've been on break from school for the last week and i have one more week to go on it until i have to get back at it. so i have been lazzzzzzzzzy, but i've had a good time.
what's been up with you?
i've been on break from school for the last week and i have one more week to go on it until i have to get back at it. so i have been lazzzzzzzzzy, but i've had a good time.
what's been up with you?
lol thats cool.. i wasnt exactly sure what it meant myself until another member showed me the link. ..never tried it either.. but if the moment is right, who knows =] thanks for the add!! xo
Random, spontaneous, fun, bisexual, random some more! rawrrrrr!
sorry i didn't get back to your e-mail... been busy of late
where were u before london?