My birthday was ok. Only a handfull of people acknowledged it. I think thats for the best. My birthday reminds me of negative fun things like being socially inept, wasted potential, and missed oppertunity. Whaa whaa boo fucking hoo, i'm over it.
I did get rid of my dead weight just prior to the day of my spawning. That had to be the longest three weeks of my life. Boredom is not a burden anyone should bare.
On Thanksgiving I had to spend time around my brother-in-law, who is a embodyment of everything I hate in this world. Hes a lier, a thief, arrogant with absolutely no substance to back it up....I could go on, but you get the point. He invited a couple over for dinner. I had no problem with that in and of itself, but the only reason he invited them is because the guy is a car salesman that he is tring to con into giving him a car to go on a trip with. Granted a car salesman isn't a higher life form, but i'm a man of principles and ideals. Well, for most of the night my brother-in-law is telling jokes, none of them funny to anyone who has spent more than a day around him, because we have heard them all a million and one times. The car salesmans wife had the most hideous laugh, and of corse she was a giggly bitch that laughed at EVERYTHING. I guess the car salesman isn't a man of ideals either, because I wouldn't have married her for that reason alone, but I digress. I spent most of the day with my seven year old nephew, because he, unlike them, dosen't have other motives for spending time with people, plus I like the little dude. I was mocking giggly bitch from the other room, hope I gave her a complex
What I really wanted to do was grab a turkey bone in each hand and stab them both in the neck repeatedly. I should get a gold star, or a cupcake, just for my self control
Rant over, hope everyone is having a good week.
I did get rid of my dead weight just prior to the day of my spawning. That had to be the longest three weeks of my life. Boredom is not a burden anyone should bare.
On Thanksgiving I had to spend time around my brother-in-law, who is a embodyment of everything I hate in this world. Hes a lier, a thief, arrogant with absolutely no substance to back it up....I could go on, but you get the point. He invited a couple over for dinner. I had no problem with that in and of itself, but the only reason he invited them is because the guy is a car salesman that he is tring to con into giving him a car to go on a trip with. Granted a car salesman isn't a higher life form, but i'm a man of principles and ideals. Well, for most of the night my brother-in-law is telling jokes, none of them funny to anyone who has spent more than a day around him, because we have heard them all a million and one times. The car salesmans wife had the most hideous laugh, and of corse she was a giggly bitch that laughed at EVERYTHING. I guess the car salesman isn't a man of ideals either, because I wouldn't have married her for that reason alone, but I digress. I spent most of the day with my seven year old nephew, because he, unlike them, dosen't have other motives for spending time with people, plus I like the little dude. I was mocking giggly bitch from the other room, hope I gave her a complex

Rant over, hope everyone is having a good week.
god how i do hate the giggly bitches