Well, i'm still a little sick, but almost over it. Of corse I didn't go to the doctor, I don't see the point spending the money when i'm going to get better naturally anyway.
I did see a good movie with Edward Norton this week called 25th hour. Totally worth watching if just for the 5 min. rant in the mirror.
Speaking of rants....
To all the people who "find God"... go fuck yourselves!! They do have a right to belive anything they want, but I, in turn can think they are fucking idiots for doing so. You hear that alot from people with no heart to face their own lives. God is a crutch for the weak, He is a imaginary friend for big people..... Jesus whats me to build amusement park with one hundred thirty seven rides in it !! He wants me to build a department store, where the good christian dosen't have to shop with the sinner.
Its called hearing voices, and its a good sign that you are fucking insane. When someone says God or Jesus told them something, they are a fucking wack job. The Son of Sam's dog told him to kill people, same thing, except he had a noble goal
just kidding....maybe. It pisses me off when someone I could have some respect for finds God and quits an acitivity, like a band. Its good in a way because Jesus rock sucks, fuck those candy asses who can't cut their teeth in the big boys/girls scene.....end rant.
Know what a fun game is though ? Fill in the blank.
I found Jesus in ___________.
For a omnipotent, omnipresent being he seems to get lost alot, it dosen't look good on a divine resume.
I did see a good movie with Edward Norton this week called 25th hour. Totally worth watching if just for the 5 min. rant in the mirror.
Speaking of rants....
To all the people who "find God"... go fuck yourselves!! They do have a right to belive anything they want, but I, in turn can think they are fucking idiots for doing so. You hear that alot from people with no heart to face their own lives. God is a crutch for the weak, He is a imaginary friend for big people..... Jesus whats me to build amusement park with one hundred thirty seven rides in it !! He wants me to build a department store, where the good christian dosen't have to shop with the sinner.
Its called hearing voices, and its a good sign that you are fucking insane. When someone says God or Jesus told them something, they are a fucking wack job. The Son of Sam's dog told him to kill people, same thing, except he had a noble goal

Know what a fun game is though ? Fill in the blank.
I found Jesus in ___________.
For a omnipotent, omnipresent being he seems to get lost alot, it dosen't look good on a divine resume.

Even though there were certain expectations, after I had my confirmation at age 14 (which I could've chosen not to do), I didn't "have" to go to church anymore.
The only "church"-y thing in my parents house as far as I'm concerned is the prayer before meals.
My parents are fine with my piercings, tattoos, music etc. Actually my Mom is the kind of person who offered my little sister to drive her 350miles to the Wacken Open Air when my sister's car had broken down
I guess Europe in general is just a bit more liberal...
The funny thing is: Every other pastor's kid I know is a punk, a metal head, goth, or something "outrageous"
When I lived in the US, my host grandmother was concerned bc I was always dressed in black etc, but when she saw I attended church regularly, she was perfectly happy with whatever I did
But I'm pretty sure things are different if you live in the US, especially if you live in some kind of bible belt...